chappie 21!

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time skip 3 years
jimin and taehyung were finally done with college! it was one hell of a roller coaster too. jimin was raising areum with yoongi's help, and taehyung was raising his baby, with jeongguk! surprise!

taehyung had gotten his wish and had a pup with his mate. a beautiful baby boy, named sungchul! he was born august 24th, weighed 8 lbs. 2 oz. he was a big baby! taking after gguk's frame.
his and jimin's pup would grow up together, and share birthdays since they were so close.

now areum was 3, almost 4, and sungchul was 2, almost 3. oh how time flies. for jimin's second year of college, he did it all online and watched areum all day. but his third year, the couple had enough to send her to daycare so jimin went back. he got to see all his hyungs and friends and really did miss them.

taehyung continued going to class in person until his third year, since the baby was due soon. he took care of the baby at home with gguk's help. gguk did some online school and some in person. it was his senior year and he wanted to see his friends while he still could. then he graduated! all his family and friends were there, taehyung was crying the whole time while sungchul was in his arms.

finally it was time for taehyung and jimin to be seniors! remember when they were freshies moving into their dorms blasting nct music?

taehyung's mother offered to help watch the baby when jeongguk couldn't, so taehyung could attend his senior year of college in person. and of course both omegas got help from seokjinnie and namjoon since they had both graduated already.

it was now time for the graduation ceremony. jimin and taehyung were freaking out.
"hyung! what am i gonna do?? when did i get so OLD??", jimin shouted dramatically.

"wha-hey! old?? what does that make me then??" yoongi retorted, pretending to be hurt.

"mommy's silly!"
yoongi had his gummy smile on full display as he picked up their toddler.

"i am not!" jimin said while giggling.

things have worked out for the couple. they proved everyone wrong who said they couldn't handle having a baby. their baby girl meant the absolute world to both of them and they wouldn't have it any other way. yoongi had the biggest soft spot for areum, jimin too of course.

he might be mr. swag at work, but when he's home, he's the best dad ever, sweet and goofy. he even taught areum to rap along with his tracks. it made jimin's heart flutter. he loved them both so much.

jimin added the final touches to his outfit and the family was on the way to the ceremony! areum was securely sat in her "big kid" car seat.

~meanwhile at jeongguk and taehyung's house

yup that's right! they got a house! gguk graduated last year and got an amazing job right out of college. he was able to buy the small family a nice little house. taehyung couldn't be more proud.

"ggukie it's really happening.. i'm graduating!!"
"mhm petal, and i'm so so proud of you."
he kissed the boys forehead.

taehyung was beaming. sungchul came waddling in the room and hugged taehyung's legs.

"hi baby!" he lifted the boy up and jeongguk ruffled his hair.

gguk has been so happy these past few years. he found his mate. he had a baby. he finished college. he got a house. everything was absolutely perfect. there was just one thing left.

yoongi and jeongguk had something up both of their sleeves. they both had gotten super close over the last 2 years since they would babysit each other's pups all the time. they would talk about how everything was going for their families, and they both know there was just one thing left to do.

taehyung and jeongguk were on the way to the ceremony as well with their baby boy. jimin texted taehyung.

minnie😽: taehyungie!! we did it!
                                  taetae🥰: i know!!     i'm so proud of us!

once they both got there, the alphas took the pups and went to sit with the families.
the ceremony had begun! finally taehyung got his diploma and gguk was cheering so loud, and encouraging sungchul. then jimin got his and yoongi and areum screamed how proud they were.

afterwards they all took pictures together. the sun was low in the sky, not quite reaching sunset. while everyone was still there, yoongi asked jimin's mom to take photos of the couple. as she started, yoongi got down on one knee and told jimin just how much he loved him, how much he needed him. and he proposed. jimin was in shock. he has more tears in his eyes. areum was behind yoongi's back giggling.

"what do you say minnie, would you marry me?"
"oh hyung, of course! yes!"
yoongi stood up and kissed jimin a few times before he placed the ring on his finger. areum was smiling so much and looking at jimin's ring.

as soon as taehyung went to look at gguk, he was already down on one knee.
"g-gukie are-"
"shh! let daddy speak!!", said sungchul.
taehyung could only giggle.

"kim taehyung, you have truly made me the happiest man on earth. i love you more than i can describe. you have taught me so many things, and more importantly brought out beautiful pup into the world, would you do the honors of marrying me?"
taehyung frantically nodded his head as tears were spewing from his eyes. "yes ggukie! yes!"

jeongguk was smiling so big and his bunny smile was showing. he kissed and hugged the boy and then slid the ring on his finger. mrs. park had been taking pictures the entire time.

taehyung and jimin were very close. both of their alphas knew they would love to be proposed to around the same time. so they could plan their wedding together. and they were right, the two omegas were so happy, they couldn't stop smiling.

once everything had died down a little and the ceremony was coming to a close, the boys were all saying their goodbyes to family and decided to go out for dinner. all 6 of them, just like the old days.

namjoon and jin were at the graduation as well to support their friends. the couple had gotten married a little over a year ago. it was a beautiful barn wedding and all 4 boys and their families were invited, along with their own families.

they had decided to go to a small diner to celebrate the boys graduation and engagement.

as they walked in jimin recognized someone from high school, jung hoseok.
"hobi hyung?"
"hm?", the man turned around. "oh jimin! it's nice to see you!"

hoseok was a ray of sunshine, and instantly clicked with the group.
we were only 7.

the end!!


well! that's a wrap🥺🥺
i know this story took forever and it's not very good BUT THANK YOU!! to anyone and everyone who has read my story! it makes me so happy!

i love u all so much. thank u thank u thank u. i cant say it enough. ❤️

-ur author 💕🥺🥺

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