chappie 16!

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wow i've been gone for a while. i'm sorry i wasn't doing super well but i'm back! anyone who still cares thank you. it's your funny and cheerful comments that put a smile on my face :) now onto the story!
summer has officially started! the boys were decorating their home and making it their own. jimin was so excited to make the nursery! the theme was pink and gold and had white and fluffy accents! the even got a chandelier for their baby girls room, they were spoiling her already.

they decorated the rest of the house in a cozy style, blankets and candles everywhere, thanks to jimin. yoongi didn't mind, it made the place feel homey.
their bedroom had a king sized bed and a matching dresser set, which had lots of plants and more candles.

they turned half the living room into an office space where jimin could do his school work and yoongi could work on his music. everything was perfect for them.

it took them all summer to save and decorate and turn it into their own house but it was worth it.

additionally that summer they went to their local pool and just had fun in the sun (when yoongi could). it was the best summer of their lives. it sadly came to an end and jimins due date was getting closer and closer.

~beginning of september
jimin gave yoongi this face: 🥺
"hyung i'm scared! what if it hurts! or what if something goes wrong! or-"
"shh shh minnie everything is going be okay, i promise."
"school starts today.. are you ready? do you have everything you need?"
"yes alpha. i got it all."
"okay. i'm gonna head off to work then okay? i should be home by 4."
"okay hyung, i made you lunch! it's on the counter!"
"oh min i love you so much, thank you baby."
"you're welcome!", yoongi kissed the top of his mates head and left.

one night they were having dinner
and then it happened. jimin got these awful pains in his abdomen and cried out.
"jimin! baby! what's wrong ?? talk to me please!"
yoongi went into full panic mode, he wanted to help his baby.

"t-the b-b-baby yoongi!"
"oh my god, oh my god, oh-"
"uh- RIGHT sorry.."
yoongi helped jimin into their car and stepped on it. once they got there jimin was in yoongi's arms and yoongi called for a nurse.
"please help! i think he's in labour! i- please help!"

nurses rushed over with a wheel chair and took the omega from yoongi's and rushed him back. once they got jimin hooked up to an iv and gave him an epidermal yoongi was allowed to see him.

"hi baby.."
"alpha.. hi", jimin held a lazy smile.
"how are you feeling, hm?"
"i don't know.."
the doctor came back in.
"hello boys."
"hi doctor."
"we ran some tests to see why your getting labour pains at only 8 months.. turns out it's just an eager little girl."

the boys were relieved. there was a possibility that there were twins in the omegas tummy. not that the boys wouldn't want an extra baby, they didn't know if they could afford it.

"since you just ate dinner we're gonna wait to have the baby okay?"
"okay doctor."
"probably sometime in the early
morning so be ready and try to get a good nights sleep!"
"yes sir!", jimin giggled.

male omegas that got pregnant would need a c-section to birth the baby since they didn't have a way to birth the baby naturally.

"oh hyung i'm so excited!!! and nervous... what if it hurts?.."
jimin gave yoongi this face again: 🥺
he was scared it was gonna hurt, he was scared he wasn't gonna be good enough, he was scared that-
then yoongi grabbed his hand and gave it a kiss.

"everything will be just fine min, i promise."
yoongi knew jimin, he knew he had a lot of self doubt and knew he was already questioning his abilities to be a mom.

his omega(m. yg, p. jm)✔️Where stories live. Discover now