chappie 13!

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9:12 am, on a saturday.. yoongi unwillingly gets up since his little omega isn't there. now yoongi was no morning person, neither was jimin so the alpha didn't know why the hell they were awake at 9:12 in the morning on a saturday.

yoongi found the younger on the couch with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, giggling at a bright screen, his phone of course. yoongi walked over to the boy and wrapped his arms around the omegas shoulders and stuck his nose in jimins neck, getting a whiff of his natural scent mixed with his own.
"baby, why are you up so early?"
"oh! good morning hyung!", jimin gave the alpha a peck.
"look at these cute baby onesies!"
"someone's excited.."
jimin just giggled.

and that's how the next few months went. jimin was picking things out before they even knew the gender of the baby until one day in march when they had another appointment.

~march 15
yoongi and jimin were on the way to doctors office.
"oh hyung! i'm so excited! what do you think the baby is?"
"i have a feeling it's a baby girl.."
"i cant wait to find out.. i-it's okay that we find out t-today right?"
"of course petal, it's your body so it's your decision."
jimin had a huge grin, he really did have the best alpha.

once they got there yoongi signed them in and they sat down. jimin had his hands resting on his slightly showing bump. he was about 5 months along and was starting to show. sometimes when he went to bed he would only wear his briefs and one of yoongi's shirts that showed off his bump, it drove the alpha crazy.

a nurse came out and called "mr. min" and the two got up and followed her.
"hello boys, how are we today?" she asked while typing away at her key board.
"oh yes, today is the big day, would you like to find out the gender of the pup?"
jimin looked up at his alpha and yoongi gave him a nod, "yes!!"
"alright! go ahead and lift your shirt and we'll find out."
she applied the serum and printed the pictures of the fetus to give to them.
"okay here we go.. are you ready?"
jimin nodded his head eagerly.
"congratulations boys.. you're having a baby girl!"
yoongi and jimin both had tears in their eyes, but jimin let them fall.
"oh hyung you were right! i'm so happy!"
"me too minnie.." the alpha gave him a hug and rubbed his back while the nurse cooed at their cuteness.

"i'll leave you two be, just pay at the front desk. have a wonderful day boys."
"thank you, you as well."
yoongi helped jimin up and they paid and left.

"hyung we gotta let the others know!"
"okay baby, you could text the group chat."
"good idea!"
                       the boys™️
minnie: GUYS!!!!!
                                taetae: WHAT
                                gguk: w HAT
               joon: huh what's going on
minnie: THE BABY
                jinnie: PAUSE IM HERE
                  jinnie: AW MY BABIES
                  taetae: AWW🥺🥺🥺
               joonie: aw congrats guys

"namjoon hyung said congrats"
"tell him thanks", yoongi was smiling so hard.

minnie: thanks hyung! ❤️❤️
                          gguk: omg wait aw

yoongi felt his phone buzzing in his pocket the whole car ride home. his baby was so excited which made him excited.

once they got home it was around dinner time. yoongi opened the door of the dorm and placed his jacket and keys on the table. sometime about 3 months ago namjoon and jimin switched dorms to be with their mates.

"so minnie, what are the pups hungry for?"
"hmmm.. pineapple pizza and strawberry ice cream!"
"i- okay baby i'll order a pizza and we can get some ice cream after, okay?"
"thank you!"

once the pizza arrived both boys scarfed down their pieces while watching a baking show, jimin's request of course but yoongi secretly loved them.

"alphaaaa i'm sooooo fulllll omgggg"
"damn, i guess you don't have any room for strawberry ice cream huh?"
"pffft whaaaat who said that! let's go!!"
before he knew it the alpha was being dragged out the door by his much smaller omega.

they went to a local creamery by the university and sat on a bench near a park just enjoying each other's company and the ice cream. it was like a scene out of a romance novel, watching the sunset with the one you love, how sweet.

once the sun had set yoongi wanted to get jimin inside and safe. call him overprotective but considering what happened in the past, and especially now that he is carrying his pup he's taking no chances.
"cmon baby we gotta get going"
" 'm coming", the omega mumbled.
once up, jimin held yoongi's arm and kept his head tucked in his alpha's chest. he really was tired and couldn't be bothered to walk on his own.

finally when they got back jimin didn't even take off his shoes before he face planted (softly of course since he was pregnant and on his side so maybe side planted?) into his and yoongi's pushed together beds, shoes on and everything. within 30 seconds yoongi heard soft little snores coming from the omega.
"damn", he thought to himself. it's like jimin was drunk but he definitely wasn't. yoongi took off his and jimins shoes and then jimins jacket and jeans. he wrapped him up in a blanket and held him and his pup close after he turned the lights out.
his little family.

hehe here u go some cute fluff
thanks for reading! 🥰🥰

his omega(m. yg, p. jm)✔️Where stories live. Discover now