chappie 15! [m]

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i'm so so so sorry i've been very very busy with life :(
hope y'all enjoy anyway tho
-the worst author

the night of their date
they had survived their 12pm class and jimin was so excited. he was finally getting to spend time with his alpha, the man he fell in love with. jimin couldnt decide on what to wear... simple black jeans with one of yoongi's sweatshirts and air forces or maybe some chino pants with a nice sweater and loafers.. he went with the first option while yoongi also had on black jeans but with a leather jacket and boots.

they went to a little italian restaurant with a live violin player, and the whole place was theirs. small tables with chandeliers and candles with wax melted on the table. jimin couldnt wipe the smile off his face even if he tried.

"oh hyung! this is absolutely beautiful!"
"almost as beautiful as you baby."
"what it's true.."
jimin was a red as the table cloth.
"whatcha gonna get minnie?"
"hmmm.. maybe the ravioli.. or maybe the lasagna.."
"whatever you want petal, my treat."
jimin smile got even bigger.

the two were enjoying their meal and loved spending quality time together and then yoongi told jimin something.
"hey baby?"
"guess what"
"ooh ohh what!?"
"i may or not have bought us a house.."
"mhm it's small but cute and you can decorate it however you want baby."
"love u too min"
they finished the rest of their meal and were so full.
"oh hyung i could just explode..thank you so much for the treat.."
"you're welcome baby."

they got a taxi back to the dorms and and made it back to their room.
before they could even get undressed they're mouths were all over each other and were tearing each other's clothes off.

jimin was a little self conscious about his body since he was gaining a few pounds and starting to show.
"minnie your body is so beautiful, holding my pup.."
"thank you alpha..", he was blushing a ton
yoongi grabbed the omega and put him on his lap and kissed and marked up his neck, whispering mine into jimins ear.
"n-need you daddy.."
"be patient petal, i'm right here.."
the alpha left butterfly kisses from his neck to his tummy.
"look how beautiful."
jimin had slick pooling at his entrance. yoongi quickly teared off the boys jeans and saw the mess, "aw are we excited baby?"
"mhm daddy, need y-you.!"
yoongi stuck two fingers into the boys hole and jimin let out a needy moan.
"m-more please!"
in and out, slow and quick, yoongi was teasing him and testing his readiness, all jimin could do was moan, not whine, he was a good boy in bed and knew not to whine.
"look at you baby, being such a good boy for me, are you ready?"
"y-yes daddy! ready!"
yoongi slid his throbbing member into the boy without hesitation, jimin was in bliss.
they did many, many positions that night, since they have both been so busy they needed to make up for all the time they had to wait.

it was an amazing night, both boys were spent.

the rest of the school year followed a similar routine of work and school and intense nights with crazy amounts of sex.

~time skip to yoongi's graduation- may 1st
yoongi was so excited to be done school and that "dumb" cafe job and was ready to move on to his real job. and he could finally move into his house with his baby! it was close to school and had a nice yard. 2 bed, 2 bath with an updated kitchen, not bad for a starter home.

jimin helped yoongi get ready.
"are you ready hyung?", jimins smile was huge and his eyes were crescents. made yoongi think of when they first started dating and made him smile, "oh yeah."

he got his cap and gown on and headed to the graduation ceremony. all his friends showed up to see him as well as his parents. jimin sat with his friends and the alphas parents. they had never met so this was it.
"hi mr and mrs min, i'm jimin!"
"oh hello dear how are you?"
"good! i'm so proud of yoongi hyung!"
"yes we all are.", said his father.

it was time for the ceremony to start. yoongi was in the middle with his last name being min. when his name was called jimin went ballistic. he was so proud of his mate he had tears in his eyes.

afterwards jimin found the alpha and congratulated him with a kiss. yoongi took pictures with everyone and finally was able to go home, his own home, with his baby.
sorry if these get changed a bunch! i'm trying to fix this whack ass time line. thanks for reading!!! 💖💖💖

his omega(m. yg, p. jm)✔️Where stories live. Discover now