chappie 2!

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~~at south dining hall

namjoon and yoongi stopped by jeongguk's dorm and picked him up, and all three were currently sitting at a table for six eating dinner. not long after jin came walking in with two slightly smaller omegas behind him. they were giggling and in their own little world.

"hi joonie!"

"hey baby" namjoon kissed jin's cheek.

jeongguk and yoongi made disgusted faces while taehyung and jimin were cooing at the couple.

"anywayyyys, guys these are my roomates, park jimin and kim taehyung, they're both first years."

"it's great to meet you guys", namjoon smiled and shook both of their hands.

"n-nice to meet you too hyung!"

"mhm!", they both replied.

"come on guys, don't just stare introduce yourselves", namjoon said to yoongi and jeongguk smirking.

yoongi was sitting across from jimin and jeongguk was sitting across from taehyung. they both quickly looked down and proceeded to introduce themselves.

"min yoongi, third year.. what's up?" he said taking out his phone to cover up the fact that he was indeed staring at jimin.

now it was jimin's turn to stare. he was in awe of the elder, his pale milky skin, smaller pink lips, his gorgeous silver blonde hair. "h-hi hyung". he smiled so big his eyes turned into crescents. once the elder looked up jimin abruptly looked to his lap. yoongi thought he was cute and smiled thinking about him, but quickly his poker face returned.

"jeon jeongguk, second year", he said smiling looking taehyung right in the eyes, while taehyung was staring right back at him. he was a blushing mess.

"hello j-jeongguk" he looked down to his lap as well, while jeongguk continued to eat his food.

"well now that that's out of the way, how have you guys been? its been an entire summer!"

"i've switched majors actually.." yoongi had piped up. "business and marketing really isn't my thing i've come to discover."

"well what did you switch it to??" jin asked puzzled

"music... well writing and composing"

"that's so cool.." jimin meant to say in his head but said out loud, loud enough that yoongi heard him and looked at him for a second, and then looked back at jin.

"my dad pretty much disowned me for it but, in the long run it's about what makes me happy and what i want to do with my life."

"that's great hyung." namjoon said patting his shoulder.

the rest of dinner consisted of lame dad jokes, jimin and taehyung getting to know their hyungs better, and jimin and yoongi taking turns staring at each other, and jeongguk and taehyung staring at each other as well.

the time was currently a little before 8:00 pm.

"alright dinner was fun, but we have classes tomorrow and these two still have things to unpack." jin was referring to jimin and taehyung who were laughing at something on taehyung's phone.

"okay, i'll see you tomorrow for coffee at our usual spot?"

"sounds good baby" jin smiled at his boyfriend and gave him a little peck on the lips.

"bye taehyung.. jimin, jin." jeongguk said waving.

yoongi waved to them all and looked at jimin before he turned around and starting walking with namjoon and jeongguk back to the dorms.

"well that was fun i think" jin said as they all started to walk back to their dorm.

tae nodded

"y-yeah it was" jimin said still thinking about yoongi.

~~back at the omega's dorm

"so what did you guys think about those two?"

"omg omg omg jeongguk is so nice and funny and handsome and his eyes oh my go-"

"alright tae we get it, you like jeongguk a lot" they all laughed

"what about you jimin?"

"jeongguk was nic-"

"no no, i mean yoongi.. i saw how you stared at him" jin smirked

"hyuuuuung... i don't think he likes me,, he barely talked to me." he pouted

"but he was staring at you the WHOLE time!" taehyung said

"i don't know.. lets just finish unpacking."

"hmph fine" jin and taehyung said in unison.

~~back at namjoon and yoongi's dorm



"so what did you think... about jimin?"

"fuck off joon"

a/n: jeongguk is dorming with seungwoo (from victon :)) stan them!!)





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