chappie 9!

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~the morning after jimin's heat

yoongi woke up first and all the memories from last night came rushing through his mind and he couldn't help but smile. jimin was finally his jiminie. he couldn't be happier.

jimin still had his head resting on yoongi's chest when he finally woke up. he looked up at yoongi and had a huge smile on his face.
"what are you smiling at bubs?"
jimin just giggled, "hyung is mine, mine, mine!"
"that's right, and minnie is mine, mine, mine.", he said as he booped jimin's nose. jimin just giggled。
"god i could hear you laugh all day minnie"
jimin just sighed happily and hugged yoongi a little tighter.

"daddy kink, huh?"
"yoongi hyung, stop oh my god-"
"what? i think it's hot." , the alpha shrugged.

" 'm hungry hyung... and no i don't wanna go to the dining hall." he pouted, wanting to change the subject.
"hmm okay, how about hyung treats you to your favorite diner?"
jimin's eyes lit up, "t-the one on main street??"
"of course, anything for my baby"
"AWW HYUNG I LOVE YOU!!", jimin practically screamed as his gentle hug turned into a bone crushing hug, yoongi was struggling to breathe.
"okay okay minnie, we have to get dressed and get ready.."
the pair were finally getting out of bed and took a quick shower, together of course. but jimin didn't allow any funny business, he was set on getting breakfast from his favorite place. once they were finally out of the dorm they walked up main street, holding hands, and got a table for two in the diner.

"hmm,, hyung what are you gonna get?"
"i'm not sure baby, probably eggs and bacon with some toast.. you?"
"strawberry pancakes!"
yoongi just smiled, his mate was the most precious thing ever.

the waitress walked over to their table with a bright smile. she was petite with soft features and long brown hair pulled back into a ponytail.
"hello, i'm mae, how can i help you two?"
they both ordered their food, yoongi getting a coffee and jimin getting some orange juice.
"alright, it'll be right out!"
"thank you!" jimin smiled.
"thanks a lot. hey minnie?"
"yes hyung~?"
"i'm gonna run to the bath real quick, you gonna be okay?"
"alright i'll be back baby." he kissed the top of jimin's head.

unfortunately for them the couple didn't notice to the alphas sitting behind them, the same two that had harassed jimin only yesterday. they had walked over to jimin's table, one sat across from him and the other slid into the booth seat right next to jimin. the alpha started to sent himself on jimin. the omega wasn't happy and only wanted yoongi to come back and started whimpering.
"shut the fuck up, slut." the alpha said in his alpha voice.

jimin couldnt do anything but submit. the alpha started feeling all over jimin and jimin continued to whimper. yoongi could tell something was wrong and that his mate was in distress and ran back to his table. when he saw the same two alphas touching jimin he lost it. he let his anger take over and he was no longer yoongi. yoongi was very strong and pulled both of the alphas back by the collar and they smashed into the table across from them. they quickly got up and got ready to fight yoongi, but the waitress had the cops on the phone and decided it wasn't worth it and booked it. as they were leaving the cops showed up and took them away.

yoongi was still fuming, but as soon as he heard his baby call for him, he was back to himself.
yoongi took the smaller shaking boy into his arms and moved his bangs out of his eyes and continued to run his fingers through the omegas hair.
"minnie... oh god.. i'm so sorry.. i let you get attacked again.. im the worst alpha i'm so sorry you deserve so much bette-"
"n-no hyung. i l-love you so m-much.
yo-you came back for me.. you're the best a-alpha."
yoongi just hugged jimin like his life depended on it. eventually they broke apart and the waitress came back over.
"i'm so sorry that happened to you sir, i got both of your meals in a to-go box, it's on the house." she smiled.
"thank you so much, and thank you for calling the cops, it means so much." yoongi thanked her and bowed.
"of course, it was no problem. have a wonderful day alright?"
"y-yeah. thanks."

on the way back jimin wanted to be close to yoongi so the alpha offered to give the younger a piggy back ride back. so that's what they did and jimin had his head tucked in the elders neck and was holding the food in his chubby hands.
"i love you min yoongi."
"i love you more park jimin."

when they got back, jimin requested to eat in yoongi's dorm. luckily namjoon was out, with jin most likely and they had the dorm to themselves. jimin wanted to be surrounded by yoongi's scent after what happened, so yoongi gave him another hoodie. this one was way too big too and jimin loved it. they ate on yoongi's bed with the comforter wrapped around their shoulders. once they were done eating jimin sat in yoongi's lap and tucked his head in the crook of his neck again. yoongi had moved his back against the wall and ran his fingers up and down jimin's back in circular motions.

jimin had broken down and let the tears flow. he hated being used like that just because he was an omega.
"h-hyung?" he hiccuped.
"yes baby?"
"i-is this gonna k-keep happening to me?" he looked up at the alpha with the saddest expression.
"no.." yoongi gritted his teeth. "this will never happen again minnie, i promise you. i will never leave you alone ever again and i will always protect you, no matter what."

jimin just smiled and hugged yoongi. "thank you so much hyung, i love you so so so much."
"i love you more than you could ever know baby."

omg i finally updates jesus christ
okay here ya go lmao
hope u liked it 💛💛.

his omega(m. yg, p. jm)✔️Where stories live. Discover now