chappie 17!

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jimin had given birth to areum 2 days ago and was allowed to go home. he was wheeled out in a wheel chair,
(a/n: i hope this isn't too repetitive i'm sorry)
since he was letting his stitches heal. the nurse pushed him out to parking lot while yoongi was carrying their pup in a baby carrier. yoongi has recently got a car upgrade, a black suburban.. you know the gigantic car that was totally unnecessary. yes that car. his job was paying him well and decided to splurge. the alpha helped his mate into the backseat and placed the baby carrier next to him. yoongi hopped into the drivers seat and buckled up. he was extremely careful when driving home, not going too fast, slowing down at yellow lights, and made sure to stay 3 car lengths away from everyone. was he being over protective? maybe. did he care at all? nope.

once they finally got home the elder helped jimin out of the car and carried areum inside. their house smelled like vanilla and a natural wood scent mixed with their own scents thanks to all of the candles. the pair took their pup into her room, she was placed on the changing table. she was giggling as yoongi was ticking her sides and gently poking her stomach and jimin was getting her blankets ready in her crib.

yoongi made her laugh a bit too much and know she needed a diaper change. jimin laughed at the alpha who had a look of despair on his face.
"oh hyung, you are just too cute.", jimin said as he kissed the elders cheek.

the younger walked out of the room and went to the kitchen and on his way he heard his mate yell, "oh god! how did you- you're so small! how is there so much!".
he just bursted into laughter and almost fell over, he couldn't contain himself. the alpha was just too funny.

areum was changed and waiting on the changing table for his mama to get back with her formula. yoongi was standing there to make sure she wouldn't fall off. he was talking to her.
"i can't believe you made that mess.. how did you do that??? that is a skill missy.."

the omega came back into the room and stared with awe. he saw his mate talking to his pup with admiring eyes.
"i got her formula all warmed up."
yoongi smiled and nodded. jimin sat in the rocking chair and the elder handed him their pup. jimin slowly rocked as areum layed on his chest sucking on her bottle.

the pair hadn't eaten lunch yet and their tummies were starting to growl. yoongi decided to make them so food. he left to the kitchen to do his thing, make jiminie his favorite dish, Tteokbokki.
(a/n: no i don't know what his fav food is this is just for fun, not a fact)
by the time he was done, which wasn't terribly long, he was going to let jimin know the food was ready, but the new mom has fallen asleep with baby areum snoring on his chest. yoongi cooed and wasted no time to snap a picture on his phone.

"well, i guess the food will have to wait. for him. i'm hungry so i'm gonna go eat..", yoongi said to himself and fished out a serving of the Tteokbokki.

about 30 minutes later the baby began to stir and fuss, waking jimin in the process. yoongi heard it as well and went to pick areum up and put her in her white crib. jimin stretched and yawned as the elder softly placed the pup down. jimin sniffed the air as if he was a puppy.
"hyung- what is- please tell me that's what i think it is.."
"mhm baby, your favorite."
"TTEOKBOKKI!", he whisper yelled not wanting to wake areum.

jimin padded into the kitchen with yoongi hugging him from behind. it was a bit of a pain to walk but the younger loved when his alpha was super affectionate and didn't mind.

"here minnie you sit down and i'll warm you up a plate."
"mm thank you yoongi hyung."
the past few days were quite something and jimin was pretty exhausted, and yoongi could see it. he wanted to take care of his baby since jimin deserved it.

he gave jimin his food after reheating the tteokbokki with some broth in a pan on low heat and the younger devoured it.
"hyuuuuungggg... i'm pregnant again with this food baby oh my god.", his eyes were half closed and he was leaning back in his seat.
"aw jiminie, you need a nap bubs?"
he only nodded. yoongi helped the tired boy up and took him to the couch that had plenty of blankets and pillows. immediately jimin cuddled up with alpha and was out in less than 5 minutes.

as much as yoongi wanted to join him and sleep he put the tv on low volume to keep himself up. he had the baby monitor on the side table next to him, so when areum woke up he could get her what she needed.

about an hour and half later jimin was still asleep, laying on yoongi's chest while the elder was running his fingers through the youngers hair. their little girl started to cry. yoongi very carefully but quickly got up and put a pillow in his place for jimin to hold onto. he rushed to the baby's room and picked her up from her crib and rocked her gently in his arms.
"hi babygirl", he smiled at her and she stopped crying.
"what's the matter, hm? did you miss me?", she only giggled in response.
jimin had a similar habit... whining until he got yoongi's attention.. must run in the family.
"mamas asleep right now. you really made him tired, you know that?"
she started to play with an earring yoongi was wearing.
"woah woah nuh uh. no pulling okay?"
drool. that's all that came out of her mouth.
"you be nice to your mother okay? he has been through a lot in the past few days so we gotta treat him like royalty okay?"
the blonde haired alpha could tell she was getting sleepy again. he checked her diaper and then put her back down to sleep once more.

he returned to his other baby out in the living room. he was still asleep and held onto the pillow. yoongi once again carefully slid back onto the couch not waking jimin and allowed the smaller boy to lay on his chest again. as soon as jimin smelled yoongi's scent he dropped the pillow and clinged back to his mate, all in his sleep, how cute. the alpha kissed the pink haired boy and smiled.
"i love you minnie..", he could get used to days like this.

a sweet wholesome chappie :)
and over 1000 words woo!
hope u liked it ❤️❤️❤️

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