chappie 14!

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yoongi was starting to get stressed.. he was going to graduate in less than 3 months and he had a baby on the way and he was going to start a real job soon and he needed to provide for jimin and their pup. the past few months yoongi has been working at a local cafe, the pay wasnt amazing or anything but it was enough to rent an apartment and put a down payment down for the first 6 months. after yoongi graduated the couple would move in, meaning jimin wouldn't have to pay any tuition for housing and living anymore and decided to use that money to furnish their apartment and buy quintessential items for the baby. it took a lot of convincing of jimin's parents but they finally agreed. the park's were very supportive of the pup and loved yoongi but they did still worry about their son of course.

~back when jimin first found out
jimin was super nervous to tell his eomma, he didn't want her to be disappointed in him. he was shaking terribly but yoongi was right by his side and held his hand telling him things were going to be alright.
"okay hyung.. i'm ready.."
yoongi nodded and gave his forehead a gentle peck.
jimin dialed his home phone number and heard the ringing..
"hi eomma!"
"oh jimin dear, how have you been? it's been ages!"
jimin giggled, it hadn't been that long but he loved his eomma.
"i'm good mama! i just have some, uh, very important news.."
"jiminie dear you're scaring me.. what's going on?"
"well, you know yoongi hyung? he's amazing and all that.."
"yes i love yoongi, he's very good to you."
"yes, well, um.."
"i'm waiting.."
"me and h-hyung are having a p-pup..." the line had gone silent for a few seconds and then jimin heard his mother yelp with joy.
"y-you're not mad?"
"of course not honey! yes i would have preferred for you to wait until after you graduated but that's just fine! oh i'm going to be a grandmother!"
"hehe thank you mama! i love you so much! and i promise i'm going to stay in school! yoongi hyung got offered a job at a record label! so we'll be able to have an apartment close to campus so i can continue for my degree, and when i won't be able to be at school i'm going to do online classes."
"it's sounds like you two have everything figured out huh?"
"well i think you two will be able to handle it just fine then! and for the first few months i'll even babysit for you so you can go to school and yoongi can go to work."
"eomma you're the best! thank you!!"
"of course sweetie."
"well i gotta get back to my work.. i'll see you later mama!"
"bye bye jimin!"

"well that went well i think."
jimin just smiled, "mhm."
~end of flashback

it was a wednesday morning and neither of the boys had a morning class, but jimin woke up to an empty bed, again.
once he got up he saw a note on the table
good morning bubs,
i'm sorry i had to leave early again but i had a shift at the cafe. i promise you this will all be worth it in about 2 months.. stay strong for me minnie. never forget how much i love you and our pup. i left some waffles with strawberries for you, eat up baby.
         lots of love,
            yoongi hyung <3

jimin was a little sad at times because he did miss waking up with his alpha, but yoongi was right. after graduation they'll have their nice apartment and yoongi will quit his dumb, as jimin calls it, cafe job and will get a whole month with his baby before his real job with a much higher payroll begins.

jimin put on a podcast and ate breakfast and just lounged around for a bit until around 11 until he heard the door open and saw his alpha come in. he look absolutely exhausted, yoongi was not a morning person but he still had a smile cause he got to see his omega. jimin gave him a giant hug and the alpha tucked his neck into his baby's neck.
yoongi said, muffled, "i've missed you so much lately baby."
"i've missed you too alpha.."
"it's almost over, i promise."
"mhm, lets get ready for our 12 o'clock class okay? i'll get you some coffee too."
"thank you petal."
jimin smiles and nodded.

once the pair finally broke apart yoongi went to get changed while jimin went to put on a cup of coffee for his very tired mate. then headed to his closet to get changed as well.

yoongi had changed and only had black jeans on at the moment.
"you know what hyung, i think every time i see you shirtless i fall in love with you again.."
yoongi was sat on the bed and motioned for jimin to come over and sit on his lap.
"thank you baby, you know what?"
"what?", jimin giggled.
"im the luckiest man alive since i have the best omega as my mate."
"oh hyuuuung..." jimin was blushing and gave his mate some kisses.
they finally got ready and headed out.

this is how their life was going for the next month or so. one night decided to take his baby out, he didn't have a shift, and wanted to treat him. jimin wasnt due soon but figured a nice dinner and some fun in bed after could help the baby move along.

"hey minnie?"
"yes alpha?"
"let me treat you out to dinner to make it up to you since i've been gone a lot."
"okay hyung!" jimins smile was huge.
they finished getting ready and walked hand in hand to their class and both were excited for their date tonight.
i went to iceland for 10 days i'm so sorry but thanks for reading :) ❤️

his omega(m. yg, p. jm)✔️Where stories live. Discover now