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"Chat Noir." My father's voice spat at me.

My anger was rising, but I knew I had to push it down. I couldn't get akumatized, not today.

"Gabriel." I said back as I stood side by side with Marinette.

"Well, seeing as you're both here, I think it's time to get started." He said with an evil glow in his eye.

"What are you talking about Gab.." Marinette started.

The world erupted around us in a huge explosion. I didn't even process what was happening as I felt myself fly through the air, debris hitting me all over. I felt myself slam into the wall behind me, before the whole world sank into black.


Gabriel came prepared. I sat on the ground with my leg pinned under a block of concrete as I saw Adrien lying unconscious on the floor. I didn't see where Gabriel had went, but he must've gotten out of the way just in time.

"Lucky Charm." I muttered, the pain making it hard to say.

Into my hands fell a long metal rod, and I sighed in relief when I realized what it was for. I lodged in under an exposed part of the concrete before pressing all my weight on it. The concrete raised just enough for me to get my leg out, and once it finally released, I felt myself being able to breathe again. I knew I should've been in way more pain, but being Ladybug had its perks. For now it was a dull ache, but I knew that would only last for 5 more minutes.

"Chat Noir!" I nearly screamed once his body came back into view.

I sprinted over to him before placing his head into my lap. I quickly checked for his pulse and breathed a sigh of relief when I felt a steady beat in its place.

"Adrien." I whispered quietly in his ear. "Wake up! I need you."

I began to shake him gently until he began to stir in my arms. I nearly let a tear escape from happiness, but I pushed it back. Tears would be shed when the fight was over. For now, we still had work for do.

"You need to get up, Chat. Please."

He opened his eyes with a nod of his head. I saw the pained expression in his eye, but he tried to hide it for my sake. I helped him up off the ground, and the two of us began to take a look around. I only had about two minutes left, so I was very cautious of our surroundings.

"Look." Adrien's voice rang.

I turned to face him and saw he was pointing at a bright light in the background. Everywhere else in the room was now covered in concrete and dirt, but something about this spot was miraculously untouched. Both of us began to silently walk over, but I heard Adrien gasp way before I made out what we looking out.

"No." He said quietly before he took off into a sprint.

I was very confused, but I followed him anyways. The second I came up behind him, a gasp escaped my lips. Sitting in front of me was Adrien's mom, Emily Agreste.


If I thought finding out my dad was Hawkmoth was bad, that was nothing compared to the sight of seeing my dead mom in my basement. I couldn't even breathe as I saw her lifelike body staring back at me, flowers sitting in her hand.

"Adrien.." Marinette started.

"The wish. This was going to be his wish. To bring her back." I realized.

Her face flushed with fear as she turned to look at me. She was asking me the same question I was asking myself. Whose side was I on now? The side that saved Paris, or the side that saved my mom?

In Front of my Eyes : A Miraculous StoryWhere stories live. Discover now