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I felt a million times better being Rena Rouge: comfortable, in my element, confident. I knew what I had to do to save Paris, and I had to do it now.

"Let's do this." Chat Noir with a smile before running away.

"Ok Alya. You've got this. Mirage!" I yelled as I saw an illusion of Adrien Agreste appear beside me.

I walked to the top of a building near Omnipalie and took a deep breath before I continued with the plan.

"Omnipalie!" I yelled through the streets of Paris. "I'm here with Adrien Agreste. He has agreed to come willingly, only under the condition that you unfreeze Paris. Then, and only then, will we allow him to come with you."

I saw her shadow appear from the top of a nearby building with an evil smile on her face. She seemed to be considering my ultimatum before she finally said:

"You've got yourself a deal. Hand over Adrien and your city will be restored."

"Nice try. Unfreeze the city, then you'll get him. Thats the deal."

I saw her face think on the idea for a while, before I finally saw her raise her hands. I thought she was going to freeze me in my place, but surprisingly, the city became unfrozen in the blink of an eye.

"There. I fulfilled my side of the promise, and now it's your turn." Omnipalie said loudly. "Hand over Adrien. Now."


I ran through the city trying to get to Marinette as quick as I could. I had to make sure the exchange wasn't too obvious as well as wishing that the plan actually worked, so saying I was stressed was an understatement. As I neared Marinette, I heard Alya began to talk to Omnipalie.

"Please work." I said quietly as I watched from below the buildings.

After what seemed like a never ending conversation, I finally saw everyone in Paris began to awake from their trance, including the one person who mattered the most.

"Marinette!" I practically yelled as I ran over to her through the crowded streets.

I wanted to kiss her right then, but I quickly realized how problematic that would be.

"Chat Noir! What's happening?" She asked confused.

"No time to talk about it here. We need to get somewhere safe, and fast."

"Wait is that Alya?! Adr... Chat Noir what is happening.?"

"Really not the time Milady. You need to transform. Now."


I didn't know what was happening, but I knew by the look on Adrien's face is wrong. I quickly nodded my head as I ran into an abandoned alley way.

"Marinette, it's time!" Tikki said worriedly.

"Tikki, spots on!" I yelled.

I felt myself change into my familiar alter ego and got ready to work on a plan.

"Okay, so Omnipalie is freezing people where they stand, but since she's distracted right now we have about two minutes before she realizes you're not actually there." I said, sounding defeated.

"Any great plans?" Chat Noir asked.

"No plans. No time. We'll have to wing this one. Lucky Charm!" I yelled.

I huge bucket of water appeared in my hands, almost feeling to heavy to hold.

"Of course! Water breaks cameras! Once her weapon is down all that's left is to find and take out her akuma. Come on, we have to dump this on her now before she's done talking to Alya."

We both began to run down the street, both holding the side of the bucket. I kept peaking glances at him. The world was at stake, but all I could focus on was the determined look in his eyes.
No Marinette! I told myself. You can't get distracted. This is exactly why you were never suppose to know in the first place. Stop daydreaming about your boyfriend, and stick to your plan.

"Ready Milady?" Chat Noir asked as we approached the building behind.

"Ready as I'll ever be. Now!"

In Front of my Eyes : A Miraculous StoryWhere stories live. Discover now