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I sulked around the house. My lessons dragged on. My life was a prison.

The only bit a joy I got from my day was around lunch time. My phone started to ring and I eagerly picked it up. My heart leaped when I saw the FaceTime call was from Marinette.

"Hey!" I answered quickly.

"Adrikins!" I heard another voice say.

"Is that.. Chloe?" I asked.

"Long story. Lila is back. We lost all our friends." Marinette said.

"Alya and Nino? Sabrina?" I said

"Ya that 2 faced princess thinks she owns the school now. Please tell me you're coming back adrikens!"

"I'll.. I'll do what I can. I have to go, Natalie is calling me."

"Oh ok. Have a good day." Marinette said sadly.

My heart hurt. I couldn't protect 2 people I cared about from so far away. And I have to admit, I was pretty angry at my best friend right now for not trusting in Marinette. I mean, hey, he used to like her for crying out loud.

"Ready for you next lesson?" I heard Natalie say as she opened my door.

"Can I take a break? Please?" I asked.


"Please Natalie! Convince my father to let me take just a tiny break. All I wanna do is rest."

"I'll try." She said as she walked out.

I felt empty. I had known loneliness, but now it was so much worse. I only wanted to sleep and forget the pain.


"Ugh it's soo stupid how he can't come back to school!" Chloe said.

"I agree." The words still felt foreign as I spoke them.

"Wanna go to the cafeteria? Show them we're not falling prey to Lila?" Chloe suggested.

"That might be one of the only good ideas you've ever had."

"Shut it Dupain-Cheng!" She said. There was her same harshness in her voice, but also a touch of friendship.

We walked out of the locker room side by side, but both stopped as we approached the cafeteria doors. Why were we hesitating? God it was only Lila. She wasn't even that scary. I grabbed Chloe's hand, which shocked her. We both gave each other a little nod and walked through the doors.


Walking into the cafeteria holding hands with Marinette dupain-cheng was something I never thought I would be doing. I have to admit though, it was kinda nice.

"Wow!" I heard a voice erupt from the midst of the people.

It was met with many stares in our direction, and a twisted look from Lila. I couldn't make out what look it was, but it made me smile. We sat down at a table away from everyone and began talking. I can't even recall what it was about, I was just immersed by all the attention we were getting (I mean, I always got attention, but never this much!)

Halfway through our conversation, I saw Marinette's eyes go wide.

"Lila just tired Mylene's shoelace to the table, and then looked at me right after. She's gonna find out a way to blame it on me and make people hate me even more!"

"Well, go fix it!" I said.

Marinette nodded her head as she walked over to their table. She ducked down on the floor and began to untie her shoelace from the table.

"Marinette what are you doing to her!" Lila yelled.

Marinettes face flushed red.

"I'm.. I'm untying her shoelace from the table. And you know that because I just saw you tie it!"

"I can't tie shoes with my tenitis." Lila said sadly, making herself fake cry afterwards.

"But.." Marinette began.

"Are you serious?" Nino said loudly. "You used to be a cool dude, but I don't know why you're being so mean to Lila."

"Ya, and you're hanging out with Chloe! What's up with you Marinette?" Alya joined in.

Ugh rude. She wishes she was my friend. I probably would've fought with Alya, but the look on marinettes face almost made me feel sympathetic.


"What Marinette?" She said coldly.

"Nothing." She said quickly.

She walked quickly to the other exit doors in the cafeteria, and I saw tears fall down from her face.

"Ugh, seriously Alya. You don't even stand up for your best friend. You didn't even let her explain! Maybe you should be one who everyone is mad at right now!" I said angrily.

I don't know why I stood up for her. I wasn't even really sure I liked her. But I knew what it was like to feel abandoned and alone, and we were all each other had right now. I walked out to see her sitting with her head buried in her arms on the steps.

"I'm sorry." She said as she tried to quickly wipe her tears.

"No it's ok. There there." I said, trying to be comforting.

"We'll catch her in a lie. Eventually."

"Ya, ya we will."

In Front of my Eyes : A Miraculous StoryWhere stories live. Discover now