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My heart was racing. My adrenaline was pumping. We were running out of time, but we had to make a final stop first. One final stop before... before all of this was over.

Or not. I couldn't think about the not right now, though.

The two of us barreled through Master Fu's door, aching to catch our breaths.

"Master Fu!" I nearly yelled, waking him up from his nap.

He sat up with a shock, Wayzz rising with him. It only took him half a second for the realization to fall upon him. Adrien and I here together without the disguise of our costume could only mean one thing.

"You two know?" He scolded.

"Listen, I'll accept a lecture any other time but right now we have a huge problem. We know who Hawkmoth is." I said.

I glanced over to Adrien to see how he was handling it, but his face still held that sad, defeated look. If there was anything I could do to ease his pain I would do it in a heartbeat, but now wasn't the time for fantasies.

"Well who is it?" He demanded.

"It's.. Gabriel Agreste." I answered.

Fu's jaw dropped as he looked at Adrien. His stone face still held strong, but the sadness in his eyes was unmistakeable. This was killing him.

"I don't think this calls for any of the other superheroes." Master Fu started, looking towards the miracle box. "It started with you two, it has to end that way too don't you think? But I've watched you both very closely, and I know you can do this. I know you'll do the right thing. You must hurry, my superheroes. You must make Paris safe once again."


That couldn't have been his pep talk, could it? To get out there and destroy my father because Paris needed us? I needed new words. Words that would make everything that happened today disappear.

I knew what I had to do. I understand. But understanding the reason and following through are two completely separate things.

"Are you ready?" Marinette asked me as we approached the closest alley way to the Eiffel tower.

It took me a minute before I could nod my head. I wanted to shake it until it fell off my shoulders, but now wasn't the time.

"Plagg, Claws out." I said at the same time Marinette summoned her Ladybug costume.

I couldn't muster another word as we stalked towards the tower. The sound of Marinette's voice rattling off a plan should've been what held my full concentration, but as much as I trusted her with everything else in my life, this one was up to me.

It was my father up there. My father who had caused so much destruction and despair throughout our city. My father who has personally fought against me in and out of my costume. My father who was doing this for my mother. While the takedown of Hawkmoth was important to the whole city, the takedown of the man behind the mask was personal to me.

The second we approached the base of the Eiffel tower, she gave me the smallest nod that indicated it was go time. No words, which I was incredibly grateful for. That nod was all I needed, before my staff extended and I felt myself flying towards the top.


The sweet taste of victory. I could feel the structure move beneath my feet, signaling the arrival of the tiny superheroes. Today wasn't a game. There would be no cat and mouse game or letting them get away. Natalie was just a level below, awaiting an akumatization should I not be able to get this right. This was no longer about beating them, I wanted them gone.

I could barely contain a smile as the two of them thumped in front of me, determination smeared on both of their young faces.

"Hawkmoth." Ladybug sneered.

"Hello, children." I said with the smallest of smiles. "That time has finally arrived hasn't it."

"We're not in the mood for taunts, Gabriel. We want this over quick and painlessly. You have no idea the depth of what we've uncovered. You must stand down!"

I threw my head back in laughter. Does this child truly think she can threaten me? She can't even stay a superhero for more than 5 minutes after she uses her power. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.

"I've played the long game, Ladybug. All this time I've been playing to get your miraculous. Never have I ever wanted to truly harm you, but that time has passed. I'm getting your miraculous, and I know how to do it."

I lifted my hands, power surging through them. I've made my akumas control and destroy, what's one step further. I felt a touch of insanity as a small smile reached my lips. My time had finally come. I was nearly at the full reach of my power when my whole world came crashing down.

"Claws in."



I promise the story is almost over!! a few more updates at the most. thanks for sticking with me through my updates <3

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