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I paced in my room over and over again, trying to calm down my thoughts.

"Plagg, tell me I'm just overreacting."

"Can't do that Adrien. There's a weird presence behind that wall. Do you think your father..."

"No. It.. it can't be him, Plagg."

With that I kept walking back and forth across my room, waiting for Marinette to finally show. A part of me was beyond scared of what we would find behind the picture frame I had just saw him walk into, but another part of me just thought it was ridiculous. Maybe it was just his "man cave" or something else that I didn't get. There was no reason for me to get the worst idea.

"You called?" I heard a voice ring from behind me.

She detransformed out of being Ladybug, and in front of me stood Marinette, my Marinette.

"I.. I don't know what I saw."

"Ok start from the beginning." She prompted.

And I did. I told her about the fight and how I followed my father and that I saw him open up a picture frame in our living room and disappear to who knows where.

"Wow, that's..." She started, but didn't finish.

"I don't know if it's bad. I hope I'm just overreacting but I don't know Marinette."

I looked over and her saw face frozen with concentration. I wanted to just look at her forever, but I knew that would have to wait. Tonight we needed a plan, and we needed it soon.


Could Adrien's father really be Hawkmoth? Some of it makes sense, like the always sneaking around and the being a creep overall, but he's also been akumatized before. However, I've also made myself look like I've interacted with Ladybug before, so maybe he played the same game.

"What do we do?" I heard Adrien ask.

"We need to check behind the frame."

"I.. I don't know if I can." He said, sadness clear in his voice.

I wanted to comfort him and tell him I was sure it wasn't true. I wanted to tell him it was probably just a random room and that we would be laughing about this tomorrow. I couldn't lie, though.

"Adrien, we have too. Maybe this is all just a huge misunderstanding, but if it is something else, we need to know."

He nodded at me, but his eyes held sadness.

"How do we wanna do this?"

"Tikki, Plagg, can you go behind the picture frame really quick? If anything looks suspicious behind there, come and tell us immediately!" I told our kwamis.

"And don't get caught Plagg! I couldn't risk anything happening to you."

Both Tikki and Plagg flew into us, giving us their best imitation at a hug, before flying out of the room.

"Can you imagine a world without Hawkmoth?" Adrien asked, a hint of wistfulness in his voice.

"No, not really. I'd have so much free time I don't know what I'd do with myself."

"I know. I'd take you out on dates. And not just after school dates, but real ones."

"Oh yeah?" I asked, wanting to hear more.

"Totally! We would spend all day at the Lourve or we'd go and tour the catacombs. Stupid stuff, but it wouldn't even matter because we would be together, and that's all I want now."

I couldn't believe after years of crushing on Adrien, he's exactly who I thought he was. He was cute and funny and secretly romantic, and he made me truly want a world where Hawkmoth was gone. A world where the two of us could be together without interruption with nothing but our love.

"I would really like that." I said as I leaned over to plant a kiss on his cheek.

Just as I was about to say more, I heard the sound of the two kwamis appearing back into the room.

"Guys!" Plagg nearly yelled, making both Adrien and I jump up from the bed.

"We have a problem."

In Front of my Eyes : A Miraculous StoryWhere stories live. Discover now