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Adrien and I talked for a few minutes before he realized he should probably be getting home. I never knew how much I could long for someone when we had only been apart for 5 minutes. I went into my room and pulled out my math homework, because no matter how love struck I was, calculus wasn't going to do itself. As soon as I had everything set up, a knock at my bedroom door pulled me away from my work.

"Come in!" I said, assuming it was parents.

I saw Nino's head come out of the hatch, looking sheepish as he stepped inside my room.

"Hi Mari." He said shyly.

I walked over from my desk and sat on my couch, getting closer to where he was standing.

"Hey Nino."

"About today, I wanna say how sorry I am. You're my friend and I shouldn't have betrayed you like that. You're right about how you said I haven't been a good friend lately and I will try..."

I cut him off with a hug. It felt good to release the anger I had been harboring towards him. I can't say I 100% forgive him, but I couldn't stay mad at him forever. At least he had the courage to admit he was wrong and apologize.

"Listen, I can't say you didn't hurt me, but I really appreciate you coming here. That shows how much of a good friend you are."

He smiled at me as I said this, and I could see some of the stress he was carrying fall away too.

"Well, i'll let you finish your math then. Goodnight Marinette!"

"Night Nino." I said with a smile.


"I.. I wanna go back to school father." I said sternly.

I heard a laugh go up and my cheeks flushed pink.

"What Plagg? I don't know how to talk to him. What do I do, I need to go back to school."

"Well first, you really think your father is gonna let you? And second, you sound ridiculous!"

"Ok, well then help me. What do I say to him to let me go back?"

"Adrien." Plagg said sadly. "As much as I want to help you with this, you know your father better than I do. You have to do what you think is right."

I sighed. I knew he was right, but I didn't even know my father that much. How was I suppose to convince him to let me go back.

"We'll figure it out Plagg. I know we will."


I paced around my room, staring at my phone. I needed to apologize to Marinette, but how do I even begin? I tried once and it already failed, and I lost my cool. She's my best friend. I need her more than I need anyone.

As I was about to hit the call button, her picture showed up on my phone to symbolize she was calling me.

"Hello?" I said as I answered my phone.

"Hey Alya."

There was an awkward silence for a few seconds before we both started:

"I'm sorry."

I sighed as I started to talk first.

"Listen Marinette. I'm sorry for everything. You're my best friend and I should've stuck by your side. I won't ever let it happen again. And we can take down Lila, together."

"I don't wanna take down Lila. I just don't want others to be corrupted.."

"I really am sorry." I said sincerely.

"I'm sorry too. I was being stubborn before. I should've listened to you instead of storming off like that. It wasn't fair too you."

There was a few seconds of silence, and I could feel the anger between us drifting away.

"Sooo, if we're good again, I have a very serious question to ask you." I said

"And that is?"

"What's going on between you and Adrien girl!"

"It's complicated. I'll have to explain more at lunch tomorrow but I really have to finish my homework right now. Walk to school together tomorrow?"

"Of course!" I said excitedly.

We exchanged goodbyes before hanging up the phone. I nearly threw myself into my bed, feeling so much happier than I thought. I finally had my best friend back, and I wasn't gonna let anyone get between us ever again.

In Front of my Eyes : A Miraculous StoryWhere stories live. Discover now