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My heart was beating so fast I was scared it was going to leap out of my chest. I knew from the second they flew in it was bad news, I just had to cross my fingers that it wasn't the worst news I would ever get.

"Adrien I'm sorry.." Tikki started.

"No. You're wrong. It... it can't be..." I tried to get out.

Marinette looked at me with sympathetic eyes before wrapping me in a tight hug. No words would be enough right now, but she always knew what to do to help me calm down. We stayed like this for a long time, too long, but eventually I knew the time to end this had come.

"How do we wanna do this?" I asked.

"I have no clue. Maybe we can just go down there and catch him off guard. If he isn't expecting it, maybe we can get his miraculous and end this thing once and for all."

All I could do was nod. After everything that I went through, I figured the least the universe could do was cut me some slack and make this fight painless, but I also knew that things didn't have a tendency to go my way.

"You got this guys, I feel it in my soul." Plagg rang.

His enthusiasm almost made me laugh, but I couldn't will myself too. I just nodded my head as Marinette and I both transformed into superheroes.

"We've got this, okay?" She said to me.

"Of course." I said back, hoping she was right.


I was always the one who had to keep it together and make the plans, but now that the time was here, I didn't know how to feel. For so long my life had been about fighting Hawkmoth, and this was the final test. If we blew it, we blew everything. He wouldn't be coming back, at least not in any way we knew. If we failed today, that would be the end of us.

"Adrien. I need to ask you something, and I need you to be completely honest."

"What's that?"

"Do you have what it takes to fight your father? I know it'll be hard and..." I started.

"Marinette, I know he's my father. And I also know this will be the hardest thing I've ever done, but I can't just sit back and let him do this. We're a team, and you're not doing this alone." He said, though I saw the sadness in his eyes.

My heart hurt for him, but if we completed this, then I knew we could make life better not only for ourselves, but everyone else in Paris as well. We walked into the room Plagg and Tikki told us about and arrived at the picture of Adrien and his family. I knew this was already hard for him, so I swallowed deeply as I knew what was about to happen. I glanced over his way, and he gave me a reassuring nod. I tried to pry the painting off the wall, but it was stuck harder than I thought.

"Any other plans?" I asked.

Adrien's eyes swarmed with anger as he sent his fist flying through the picture. I jumped back at his little outburst, but he continued on. He hit until the picture seemed to short circuit and fall from the frame. We exchanged a quick glance as we were met with a tube big enough for one person.

"I'll go." Adrien offered.

"No!" I said quickly. "I mean, just give me a second. I'm better at keeping my cool and.."

"Yeah, I get it." He said, somewhat defeated.

I gave him the quickest peck on the cheek before I took a deep breath. I pulled myself into the thin tube, and before I knew it, I was descending deep into the unknown.

[ YALL I PROMISE I WILL FINISH THE STORY EVENTUALLY AHA!! But on a real note I'm sorry these updates have taken literal months and honestly I'll try to buckle down and finish the story in only a few more chapters so there's less waiting. Again, sorry but thank you for all the reads!]

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