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My mind was racing. I couldn't even begin to think of a plan. I jumped to the top of a building and looked out to see where Alya was.

"Disconsolmate!" I yelled from the top of the roof.

"Ladybug!" She yelled as she went around a corner.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because, if I can't have a best friend, then no one will!"

"I've seen you around town! You do have a best friend!"

"Not anymore. She won't even talk to me. But that's nothing for you to worry about, just give me your miraculous and we can stop all of this."

"Not a chance." I said as my earrings started to beep. I had to finish my plan, and fast.

I went to the top of another building and began to shout out at her again.

"That's a nice set of bracelets you have there." I continued.

"Would you like one?" She said evilly.

She didn't even wait for my answer as she began to throw them up on the roof. I quickly ducked down and slipped on my lucky charm. I put on my best evil face as I stood up and said.

"Chat Noir is an awful friend of mine. I never even liked him." It killed me to say this, but I had to make my performance believable.

"I did it!" I heard her yell. "How about you come down here and give me your miraculous. Then I'll let you fight Chat Noir."

"Deal." I said as I jumped from the roof.

I walked over to her, still pretending to be in my trance. As I began to get closer, I began to hum a certain tune. It wasn't much, but I knew Adriens cat like senses would hear it. Luckily, he came just in time.

"Ladybug." I heard from behind me.

"Chat Noir." I said angrily back.

"Ever since I found out, I've been nonstop disappointed."

The words made me feel like I had just been punched, but I hoped it was just him being under Disconsolmates power that was making him say that.

"Then do something about it."

"Cataclysm!" He yelled.

I took the moment of chaos and caught Alya off guard. I ripped the bracelet from her hand and held it right in front of me. Luckily, I held it just right so Chat Noirs Cataclysm went right though, sending up the akuma.

"Miraculous Ladybug!" I yelled as I sent my yo-yo up in the air. "Bye bye little butterfly!"

I quickly glanced at Alya laying on the floor.

"Alya, can I say something?"

"But you're about to change back."

"Just really quick. Just because you and your best friend are fighting right now doesn't mean you'll never be friends again. Everyone fights sometimes. I think both of you are just hurting right now."

"Thanks ladybug."

"Milady, we better split." I heard.

I smiled at Alya as Chat Noir wrapped his arms around me. He used his baton to get us out of there quickly and bring me to my balcony.

"That was close." Adrien sighed.

I barley heard him though. I sat down on my chair and buried my head in my hands.

"Hey," He said as he sat down next to me. "It's okay."

"Okay? What part of this is okay Adrien? The part where you got taken out of school? Or maybe you're referring to the part where everyone turned on me and I didn't have anyone on my side except for Chloe! Or you could possible be referring to.."

I couldn't even finish my sentence, because before I knew it, adrien had pulled me into a kiss.


"This." I said after I pulled away. "This part is okay. Me and you."

Marinette looked at me with sad eyes.

"I want to believe that Adrien, I do. But sometimes it feels like nothing is ever going to be simple again."

"Trust me. None of this was ever simple. But we found a way to work with it! We'll figure out a way to make this work. To balance both our lives and our superhero identities. I believe in us."

She had a small smile on her face as she looked up at me.

"And this is why I fell in love you with you, Adrien Agreste."

It was at the moment, I knew she had become the single most important person in my life, and I was never going to let anything harm her again.

In Front of my Eyes : A Miraculous StoryWhere stories live. Discover now