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I don't know how long I had been asleep for. Hours or minutes. All I know was that I was awaken by the sound of whispers at the foot of my bed.

"Well, what's wrong with him?" I heard my fathers voice say.

"I don't know sir. I think something is happening in his life. Maybe if you would've listened to him the other day.." Natalie began.

"You are not gonna stand here and lecture me on how to parent my son. You are not his mother."

"I know I'm not his mother but I'm the closest thing he has to one."

"For right now." I barely heard my father say.

There was a slight silence until I heard Natalie speak again.

"So should we wake him up? His fencing lessons start in half an hour."

"Let him sleep for now. I'll see if I feel like talking to him later." My father ended.

They both left my room, leaving me confused. What did he mean for now? All I know is now that I'm at home all day, I can try to learn more about my father, and even sneak around if I have too.


I couldn't even leave my spot at the lunch table. I really couldn't believe I could ridiculed by Chloe for being a bad friend..

"Alya, don't listen to Chloe." Nino said as he tried to comfort me.

"But what if she's right? Something has been off with Marinette, even before Lila got here. I saw her with Adrien and now he's not even at school. She's probably really hurting right now.."

"Listen, you can go and talk to Marinette after school, but right now we have to get to class."

I nodded my head as I slowly grabbed my book bag from off the back of my chair. As I walked out of the cafeteria doors, I realized I had left my phone in the locker room during lunch period.

"Shoot. Tell her I had to use the little girls room! Be right back."

I walked as quietly into the locker room as I could, fearing that I would attract a teachers attention and end up in detention again. As I silently crept to my locker, I heard a conversation going on a row down.

"...ok you won't believe this, Jess. Everyone here is so gullible! Of course I used your old "sprained wrist" trick. I've also been using tenitis too! I know it's brilliant. But ya, I get to see Adrien after school. He said since he had to leave school because I was so distracting to him, that I need to at least see him after school! And let me tell you, there was another girl that was falling for him, but I totally took care of it. She's not gonna have any friends when I'm done. Well, tell everyone back home I miss them. See you soon Jess!"

I had totally forgot I was even listening in on her conversation. I couldn't believe what I just heard. Marinette was right, but that officially meant I was the worst friend ever. I snuck out of there before she even realized anyone had heard anything. I ran up the stairs and sat next to Marinette. She couldn't even look at me. What was I suppose to say. "Hey, turns out you were right about Lila being an asshole. Sorry about that. Wanna go to the mall?"

Class was painfully slow and dull, and I couldn't help but staring at how red her face was. She had been crying and I hadn't been there to help her. I wanted to give her a hug right now, but I knew she wouldn't have appreciated the gesture.

The minute the bell rang she disregarded me completely and walked straight to Chloe. I had no reason to be hurt, but my heart felt broken. Nino saw the sad look on my face, and quickly wrapped me in a hug.

"Let's go get a coffee or something ok?"

I nodded yes and he grabbed my hand and we made our way to a local cafe. It was no where near as good as Marinette's bakery, but it was close to school and served coffee. When we had gotten our orders and sat down at a small table outside, I turned to Nino.

"We need to talk."

"About?" Nino asked while shoving a croissant into his mouth.

"Marinette and Chloe were right about Lila. Today in the locker room she was on the phone with someone from her old school and was talking about how she was making up her diseases and her sprained wrist. I literally heard her say that she was gonna make Marinette lose all her friends!"

"Wow.. that's a lot. I knew Marinette wasn't capable of doing anything like this."

"Oh, shut up Nino. You've been fighting against her, too."

He agreed with my statement as she shoved another croissant into his mouth.

"I need to apologize. Even if she doesn't accept it I need her to know that I'm sorry."

"Ok." Nino said shoving croissants into his hand. "Let's roll."

In Front of my Eyes : A Miraculous StoryWhere stories live. Discover now