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Oh my god I kissed back. Wait, I'm still kissing. I should probably stop.

Oh well.

I eventually pulled back to look at him in his eyes.

"I'm sorry. There was an akuma and.."

"Oh. Well I mean you stopped the akuma so I guess everything is ok." I said as I begun to stand up.

"Wait that's not what I meant!" He shouted.

"Goodnight." I said as I jumped away from the building.

I landed on my balcony and whispered "spots off." My costume disappeared and I was left as myself. My plain old self. The person Adrien never noticed and the person who probably wasn't even going to be able to go back to school.

"Marinette are you ok?" Tikki said as she flew up next to me.

"I'm fine Tikki. I just think I wanna be alone right now."

"Oh." She said sadly. "If you need me you know where I'll be."

She flew through my closed hatch door and probably went to the foot of my bed. I just sighed and covered my face. What can I do now?


Stupid, stupid, stupid! Marinette finally told me how she felt and I blew it. I'm so stupid!

I flew through my bedroom window and said "claws off." Luckily, I did it at just right time.

"Dinner time Adrien." Nathalie said.

"I don't feel like it tonight." I said as I plopped on my bed.

"You know your father would want you there."

"Why? He's not going to show up anyways. If he has a problem with it he can take it up with me himself!"

Nathalie looked shocked at my outburst but she eventually left my room.

"Wow.. Everything ok?" Plagg said as he flew up beside me.

"I really ruined things with Marinette didn't I?"

"Well.. maybe."

"Oh my God!" I said I threw my head on my pillow.

I was actually starting to drift into sleep when I heard my bedroom door slam open.

"Adrien. Explain yourself." I heard my fathers stern voice say.

"I'm not hungry."

"That is not an excuse."

"Oh you want reasoning now?" I responded angrily.

"What are you getting at?"

"Maybe that you're never here! You've never actually cared about me. The only thing you cared about was mom, and she's gone now!"

"You never speak about your mother like that!"

"We never speak about her at all! How am I suppose to know what I can say and what I can't say."

"This attitude has gotten out of hand. You're grounded!"

"Oh please. I practically live my whole life grounded."

"You think so? You will continue your homeschooling starting tomorrow."

"But father.."

"No! You don't have a choice anymore."

And with that, he left my room with a slam of the door.


That boy. His attitude has gotten too much. I've avoided it till now, but I have to teach him a lesson.

"Don't do this!" I heard Nathalie plead as I walked towards the picture.

"It's time he's learned."

I opened the picture frame and descended down to the lair.

"NooRoo, Dark Wings Rise!" I chanted.

I felt myself transform, and I finally felt all my power rush in me.

"A child feeling alone. Abandoned. Hurt. Perfect prey for my akuma. Fly, fly!"


WHY! Out of all the people in the world, why was I stuck with him as a father. I was angry. So angry.

Too angry. I saw a black butterfly come in through the window. I ran to my back wall and tried to calm down my nerves. It wasn't working. My anger bubbled still, and the akuma was making it worse. I knew I couldn't stop it, but I saw it heading towards my ring. I picked up my nearest textbook and held it in front of me. The book turned black and I heard a voice ring in my head.

"You've been hurt tonight. Wouldn't you like to get back at the people who hurt you most?"

"I.. I don't want to hurt anybody." I tried to get out.

"Of course you don't. You just want everyone to feel the pain you feel. You think no one understands. I want to help spread your feelings around Paris."

"Oh, I guess that's ok. I accept Hawkmoth."

I felt my body start to transform, and when I looked down I was covered from head to toe in a black outfit. Except it wasn't a normal akuma victim outfit, it looked like something I would wear to a photo shoot.

"You will walk around the streets. You'll attract many people. When they come up to you, all you have to get them to do is have them touch your book."

"That's all?"

"That's all."

"I got it!" I said.

"All you have to do is get ladybug and chat noirs miraculouses for me."

"No problem."

"You got this, Painraiser."

In Front of my Eyes : A Miraculous StoryWhere stories live. Discover now