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"Adrien." I started once again, moving closer to him. "I don't know what you're feeling right now, but you have to know this isn't right. Every wish has to have a consequence. I'm so sorry, but we can't allow that to happen."

He turned to me with such sadness in his eyes that it almost broke me. The part of me that was utterly in love wanted to hand him my miraculous and allow him to do anything that would bring him happiness, but the rational side of me knew that wasn't an option.

"You're right." He finally said, wiping a tear from his eye. "I love you mom, but I can't let father do this."

Without another word, he turned away from his mother and walked back towards the elevator. I followed him silently, not knowing what I could possibly say to make this situation better. I could still see the tears bubbling at the bottom of his eyes, but he was doing everything in his power to hold them back. He was so brave. Braver than I could've been.

"Let's go up to my room. We'll recharge and think of a plan. This ends today."


This was all too much. Way, way, way too much. Marinette returned to her normal self as I muttered a quiet 'Claws in'.

The second both of us were out of our costumes, a fresh wave of pain overtook us both. Being superheroes were suppose to make us nearly invincible, but I guess even that had its limits. Being lodged under concrete and thrown backwards into a wall certainly fell into that category.

"He's left his lair, so there has to be somewhere else he's planning to finish this. Any ideas?" She asked me.

I tried my hardest to think, but my mind came up as a huge blank.

"He didn't tell me anything." I admitted honestly.

She sat down next to me on the bed, stretching out her leg to the best of her ability. Both of us sat in silence as we wracked our brains, digging for any piece of information that wanted to reveal itself.

"Hold on." I said, standing up as a thought came to me. "The second time we ever put on the miraculous he made sure that everyone knew who he was. He wants the attention as much as he wants the chaos. If he thinks this may be coming to an end, I think he'll want an audience."

Her eyes lit up as she bolted upright, wincing a bit as she put pressure on her leg.

"He's going back to the Eiffel Tower. His arrogance has made him think he's going to win this, but we have a chance Adrien. We know his weakness."

"We have a chance." I said, willing the hope into my words.

She cupped my face in her hands as she planted a quick kiss with the trace of a smile.

"We have a chance." She echoed back.

"Um, not to step on your moment or anything, but if you want a chance you might want to look at the news." Plagg said as he flew up from downstairs.

I clicked a button on my remote as the screen roared to life. Just as I suspected, my father stood at the landing of the Eiffel Tower, demanding the attention of every citizen of Paris.

"People of Paris!" My father's voice boomed. "Today will be the start of my victory. Today will be the day you see your precious heroes fall."

With his words, three akumas sprouted from his hands, latching themselves onto the people standing nearest to him. They instantly turned a dark shade of blue and walked over to my father, acting as a form of protection.

"As for Ladybug and Chat Noir, I'm speaking directly to you. You know my identity. You know where I live. You know this ends today. One final fight is all I ask for. Be here by the time the clock strikes the hour, or the consequences will be deadly."

And with that, the screen went dark. I swallowed the fear that was building up in my chest. Marinette turned a new shade of pale, but she tried to push it down. Both of us exchanged a quick nod and a look of determination. It was now or never.

In Front of my Eyes : A Miraculous StoryWhere stories live. Discover now