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The descent was awful. It probably only took about minute, but the fear rushing through me made it feel more like hours. This was it. No matter what happened right now, I knew it was over. As the tube continued to go down, I began to see more of where it was taking me. The second I got a good look, I let out a very audible gasp. It seemed that Hawkmoth... or Gabriel Agreste had a whole lair underneath his house. If I squinted my eyes, I could make out the sililoute of his body far in the corner.

"Ladybug!" His loud voice boomed out the minute the tube had landed.

I was startled at the recognition, but I tried to bite back my surprise. I quickly sent the tube back up to collect Adrien before I began to walk over to my enemy.

"Gabriel Agreste." I started. "Though I have been informed you go by another name as well."

"Very good, Ladybug. It only took you a couple of years to figure it out. Now if you don't mind me asking, how did you?"

I couldn't give up our identities yet. If everything failed today, I didn't want to put Adrien in anymore danger, so I just shook my head.

"It's not that easy, Gabriel. You're finished. We know who you are!"

"We?" He laughed. "It seems as if your little sidekick is missing."

I had to stall. "Oh he'll be coming. Him and all the other superheroes!"

"I get the idea this was a bit of an unexpected coup, no? I think you're lying to me ladybug. No one else besides you and your cat are coming today, but that's all I need. After I defeat you both I'll take your Miraculous' and get my wish."

I tried to stall for a bit longer to give Adrien another minute to get down here. I knew I couldn't do this on my own, so I needed to keep his monologue going.

"What is your wish, Gabriel? Maybe we can find some way to make it come true without the Miraculous! You have to know that whatever you wish for will come with a huge price. Think of your son!"

He started marching towards me with such ferocity that it made me jump a bit. His eyes were blazing, and as much I wanted to be scared, I knew I had to keep my emotions under wraps. This would be the worst time to let my emotions run rampant and be struck by one of his akumas.

"This is all for Adrien! Everything I do is for him. You wouldn't understand that, ladybug. You're merely a child. Give me your miraculous now and we can end this. No one needs to get hurt."

"You don't get to say that. You've hurt hundreds of people in Paris with your akumas. How about I give you an ultimatum. Give me your miraculous, and maybe you won't spend the rest of your life rotting in a cell."

He began to laugh. It started small, but continued to grow into a booming, horrifying laugh. His eyes looked crazed, and I knew the time for talking was over. Luckily, I could feel the presence of my partner right behind me. I just hoped this wasn't too much for him.


As the tube stopped at the ground, I took a quick second to give myself a mental pep talk. One more fight. If this went according to plan, this was the last time we would have to fight Hawkm.. my father. This would be my last day with my father. This would be the last day with my only parent.

"Snap out of it." I whispered to myself.

The fate of Paris was in my hands, and I couldn't blow it. No matter what happened to me, taking down my father would be worth it if it meant my home was safe from his harm. I let my breath go as I started to walking to Marinette. Time to get started.

In Front of my Eyes : A Miraculous StoryWhere stories live. Discover now