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"Oh my god!" I said out loud.

"Alya, what are you doing!" Adrien said, obviously upset that I had walked in.

I was in shock. My best friend and Adrien... I guess that would explain how they got together. But still.. there's no way that this could be real!

"The necklace." Was all I managed to get out.

He looked like he had more to say, but Marinette finally started to stir. The superhero in me wanted to leave, but the best friend in me knew I couldn't abandon her.

"Marinette?" Adrien whispered quietly.

I ran next to them, grasping Marinette's hand in my own. She didn't seem to be waking up, and every passing minute I began to get more and more nervous. After what seemed like an eternity, we both saw her eyes quietly fly open.

"Marinette!" I nearly yelled, almost crushing her in a hug.

"Milady." Adrien whispered.

Weird.. but I guess I wasn't one to judge.

"Alya.. Adrien.. what's going on?" She asked, obviously confused.

"Well, it's a long story." Adrien started.

"Tell me." Marinette pressed on.

All I had to do was hold up the fox miraculous before the realization set in her eyes.


"Nope. Not possible. Not happening." I kept repeating.

If Alya was here with her miraculous and easily showed me, it could only mean she knew my secret as well. She took the duty of being a superhero seriously, and she wouldn't have just revealed it to me out of nowhere.

"Adrien, what do we do?" I asked, for once not having a plan.

"I don't know." He answered.

"Ok, but let's look on the bright side. I've known Nino was Carapace this whole time and now.." Alya started.

"Wait! Nino is Carapace?!" Adrien said, stunned.

"Oh my god." I said as I buried my head in my hands.

No way was this happening. I had been entrusted to keep Paris safe while keeping the superhero's identities a secret, and now it was all over. There was no way this would work out in our favor, and I knew what we had to do.

"This needs to end." I said, making my voice seem stern.

"What do you mean?" Adrien asked, obviously confused.

"Hawkmoth. Look, we both knew that knowing each other's identities was going to come with risks, but now that almost all of us know it's even worse now. We need to put all other responsibilities aside and focus on finding Hawkmoth. It's the only way we'll be safe."

Both Alya and Adrien exchanged a quick glance before nodding. Now that everyone knew, it would only take one mistake of accidentally yelling out their true name or risking it all to put my life before Adrien's, and I couldn't let my own mistake destroy Paris.

"So where do we start?" Alya asked.

"Alya, I think this has to be Marinette and me. We'll need our masters help and since you don't know them it might complicate things. You're such a huge help to us, but something is telling me that this is between us and hawkmoth." Adrien said.

Alya's face seemed to drop, but I could tell she ultimately understood. I knew Adrien was right about this. I feel like if the two of us truly sit down and work together to figure this out, the answer will be easier than we think.

"Ok, so tomorrow after school do you want to come over to my house?" I asked him.

"Well, I'm kinda grounded till the end of the century, so can you maybe sneak in to my place?" Adrien asked me.

"Sure. What's the point of having a super power if you can't use it to sneak over to your superhero boyfriends house?" I joked, making all of us explode into a series of laughter.

I knew the ending was coming, but it felt good to have even a second of fun before the chaos hits.

In Front of my Eyes : A Miraculous StoryWhere stories live. Discover now