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I woke up with a full heart. Sure, my life might've been crumbled yesterday, but today I was going to fix it.

"Morning!" I said as I ran down the stairs, kissing my parents on the cheek.

"Good morning Marinette!" My mom chimed happily.

As I was about to make my way out of the front door, I heard my dad add;

"And don't forget, no more skipping!"

"No problem dad!" I yelled as I ran out.

The walk to school was a breeze. As I walked into school, I imagined Chloe in a pool of tears as she realized Adrien wouldn't be returning, but I saw her looking disgusted on the steps. I walked by her without another thought as I walked into the school. My heart stopped as I saw everyone standing in a circle talking to Lila.

"Marinette, hi!" I heard her ring.

My mind went numb. I turned out of the school without a second thought and sat down next to Chloe.

"She's back." I mumbled.

"Ugh I know." Chloe said.

I did a double take as I saw her there. Had I really gone to Chloe? Well, I guess she's the only person who isn't obsessed with Lila.

"Do you believe her?"

"Oh please. There's only room for one pretty girl at this school, and it's not little miss fake stories."

We sat on the stairs in silence until we heard the bell ring. I was considering spending class in the locker room, but I had to keep on my promise to my parents. I slowly walked into the classroom and sat next to Alya.

"You know, you didn't have to be so rude to her this morning." Alya said.

"Alya, she left the day after becoming chameleon and now she's back after a trip to America? You really think she'd leave after one day of coming back? She obviou.."

"Enough Marinette!"

I sat there in a shocked silence. When she didn't come back to school after her threat, I thought everything could go back to normal, but I guess she intended on keeping her promise.

I sat through the lesson and the sob story of Adrien being pulled out of school. I knew it by heart. I walked through the school day like a zombie, enduring the mean looks from my friends and the taunts from Lila. As lunch time began, I didn't even bother on going to the cafeteria. I made my way to the locker room and buried my face in my hands.

"Aw, poor Marinette! Need a shoulder to cry on?"

"I'm not crying Lila, but nice try." I said as I stood up.

"It's so sad that Adrien is gone isn't it? Now, you're the only one who knows the truth, and it'll be so much easier to turn everyone against you!"

"You.. you seriously waited until adrien was gone? All for revenge? Are you serious?!"

"The only way to get ahead in life is friends. Now I have yours, and you're left with no one."

"No one?" I heard a voice say.

"Oh, if it isn't reject number 2." Lila said happily.

Chloe emerged from the door way with an angry look on her face.

"Me? A reject? Please."

"Your only friend left you pretty easily didn't she?" Lila said with a bragging tone.

"You're gonna fall. And when you do, Marinette and I will be here to watch you."

"Good luck." She said as she left the room.


Ugh. Lila. I hated her.

I thought I knew hate with Marinette. She was always a know it all and knew how to get on my nerves. But, sometimes she was kind, I guess. She seemed like a good friend to others. Maybe it was jealousy all those years.

Whatever the reason, it was clear we had to make some of alliance for the time being.

"You ok?" I asked awkwardly.

"Ya. I just hate how everyone is falling into her trap! I hate how no one cares that Adrien is gone because of it. They've known Adrien for months but they don't even care because all they can do is go after Lila!"

"I know!"

I couldn't believe it. Me and her were agreeing on something for once.

"Let's.. let's put whatever feud we have behind us. At least until we get everything back to normal." She suggested.

"Ok. You got yourself a deal."

In Front of my Eyes : A Miraculous StoryWhere stories live. Discover now