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When I arrived in class, I kept hanging on to the edge of my seat, waiting for the moment where Natalie would burst through the door, demanding for me to come home. However, the longer I waited, the more unlikely it became.
As class began to start, I realized that Marinette still hadn't come to class. I worriedly turned around to Alya and asked:

"Do you have any clue where Marinette is?"

"Oh please, that girl is always disappearing. You better get used to it."

I managed a fake laugh and looked back towards the front of the classroom, waiting for her to arrive. What if there was an akuma outside. I should be helping her...

"I'm so sorry! I had to help Mr. Damocles with something." I heard the familiar voice say.

Marinette quickly sat down in her seat, and when I looked back to ask her what happened, she quickly mouthed "I'll tell you later."

The class was painfully long, and by the time the bell finally rung, Marinette was basically pulling me out of class to talk to me.

"It's Lila! I really did try to be nice to her, but she just makes me so angry."

"Don't get too angry, we can't let any more accidents happen again."

She sighed. I could see how much this Lila thing was bothering her, and I truly wanted to help her, but I didn't know what to do. We weren't going to expose her in an awful way, but I felt that some sort of justice needed to be served, but at the end of the day, I just wanted everyone to get along.


Another long day of school passed before I got another chance to talk to Adrien. We were walking out of school when I finally saw him start to break.

"I don't know what my dad will do." He said sadly.


"It's ok Marinette."

The conversation seemed to be at a standstill, and as nervous as it made me to say it, I stopped in my place and simply said:

"But it's not. You're holding so much inside. I know I won't know exactly what you're going through but I can try. You don't need to hold it all in anymore if you don't want."

"Thank you." He said. I could see tears starting to form, but I didn't wanna embarrass him, so I didn't point it out.

After a short pause, he said:

"Why don't we just go back to your place?"

As I was about to say yes to his suggestion, a horrible scream made me turn my attention away from him. On top of the Eiffel Tower, a huge version of a woman stood with a very tight black outfit, making it seem like she couldn't move, fitted with circles resembling cameras placed all over it.

"Attention people of Paris! I'm Omnipalie. If you want to continue to live your life freely, then you just stop running right now. If I see you move even an inch, you will be glued to your spot permanently, with no means of escape."

I went to ask Adrien what he was thinking, but his pale skin and horrified expression made it apparent he was noticing something I was missing.

"However, If one person wants to stop all this right now, all I need is Adrien Agreste to come meet me at the Eiffel Tower. Come on Adrien, be the good guy. Save your friends. Come back home for good."


Natalie stood there akumatized. I wish it was as simple as turning myself in, but I knew she wouldn't stop until she had me and Chat Noir in her grasps.

"Do you think she can sense when people are moving?" Marinette asked worriedly.

"Look at the outfit, it's full of cameras. It must be the way she's planning on stopping me. Now would be a really good time for one of your plans Milady."

Marinette looked all around, trying to think of anything she could do.

"Ok." She said. "Someone is bound to move on the other side of her. When her attention is focused on them, move quickly behind me, but make sure to stay right behind me, that way if she looks over, she'll only see me. Go into the store right over there and transform. Keep her distracted and far away, and when I get a chance, I'll meet up with you."

"Let's get this thing started." I said with confidence.

In Front of my Eyes : A Miraculous StoryWhere stories live. Discover now