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I ran into my house and up the stairs, only exchanging a small "hello" with my parents. I threw my stuff on the floor and jumped onto my chaise lounge.

I breathed a sigh as I went for my phone. I wanted to call her so bad, but I hardly doubt she would talk to me right now. So, I called the other person I really wanted to talk too.

"Hey Adrien." I said sadly.

"Hey Marinette is everything ok?"

"Not really.. did I wake you up? You sound tired."

"Ya I was just napping, what happened."

I ranted and ranted for a long time. I talked about Lila and how Chloe was actually a good person. I talked about how I flipped at Alya and how much school sucked without him being there.

"I'm sorry for talking for so long.. how was your day?"

"Pretty uneventful. I just slept for most it."

"You've been sleeping all day?" I questioned.

"Ya pretty much."

"Adrien that's.." I was cut off by a scream from the streets.

"What was that?" He asked.

"No clue. I have a feeling we'll meet up in a few minutes?"

"Meet at the villain and be careful!" He said before hanging up.

"Tikki, spots on!" I yelled.

I felt myself transforming into my ladybug costume, and I was ready to go.


You know those days when nothing seems to go right? That was today.

First, I don't get to go to school. Then Chloe and Mari were being cast to the side. Then, when I do finally get to talk to Marinette, we have to save an akuma victim. I just wanted to get this done quickly so we could get back to talking.

I went over buildings all throughout Paris to locate the victim, but I didn't see her until it was almost too late. As I was crossing to the other side of the road, I felt something whoosh past my ear.

"Be still Kitty!" I heard a voice say.

I looked down at the ground to see someone covered with friendship bracelets, and it took me a second to realize I knew who it was.


"Wrong. It's Consolmate."

"I'm pretty sure it's Alya." I bantered back.

"And I'm pretty sure it's time for you guys to quit fighting." I heard a voice say from behind us.

I saw ladybug there with a look on her face.

"Who's the villain?" She asked, as Alya was blocked from her view.

"It's.." I began

I saw her face go through a series of transformations before she figured it out.

"Oh no." She said sadly.

"Come on Milady!" I said as I dragged her out of there.

I knew she wouldn't be able to fight Alya right now. She was so overwhelmed with everything I was surprised she hadn't been akumatized yet. I navigated through alleyways and skyscrapers before I found a hidden corner. She nearly fell into my arms as we came to a stop.

"This is all my fault." She kept muttering.

"Mari... ladybug what are you talking about."

"I messed up with you. I messed up with Alya. I don't deserve my miraculous."

"You deserve it more than anyone. You can apologize to Alya after and you don't need to apologize to me. We just need to stop her right now."

"You're right." She said with determination in her voice. "Let's go!"


We began to fly through the streets of Paris. My mind stayed on one topic: helping Alya. Maybe we could've asked queen bee or carapace for help, but this seemed like something me and chat noir should do alone. We rounded the corner and froze at what we saw. All down the streets people were fighting and yelling cruel things at each other.

"Haha! Now no one can have a best friend!"

My heart was racing.

"What do we do?" I asked worriedly.

"Let's split up. I'll distract her and you get the bracelet. But how do we know which one it is?"

"Trust me. I know." I said without another word.

Over the summer she had come over and we were sitting on my balcony. We had the great idea to make friendship bracelets and we spent hours working on them. Of course, me being a klutz, broke mine as soon as she put it on. I felt horrible, but she just laughed and put on the one I had made for her. She had said, "I guess I'll just have to wear this one all the time for the both of us!"

She was the best friend everyone deserved.

"Lucky Charm!" I yelled as I went out of view of Alya.

My breath stopped as I saw what plopped into my hand. It was the exact replica of the friendship I had made Alya this summer.

"What do I do with this?" I muttered.

I didn't have time to think of a plan, because I heard chat noir yell.

"Aha! Now, you can go after ladybug for me!" I heard Alya say.

Oh no. That could only mean that she had made Adrien wear a friendship bracelet, and that meant I was on my own.

In Front of my Eyes : A Miraculous StoryWhere stories live. Discover now