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"Ok girl spill!" Alya said happily.

"There's nothing to spill Alya. He helped me to the nurse, but she had been frozen by Kim. He said we needed to hide out so we went back to my house. That's it. End of story." I always felt bad about lying to Alya, but I had to do it.

"I'm just teasing Marinette!"

She gave me a hug goodbye and told me she had to go and babysit her sisters. I watched her walk out as I looked over the city. The Eiffel Tower, where I had spent so many nights with Adrien that I didn't even know about.


I'm so stupid.

I limped downstairs into my living room and sat on the couch. My mom and dad came up from the bakery and sat across from me.

"Marinette. No more excuses. Why did you leave school again?" My papa asked.

"I.. I hurt my knee so I went to the nurse but then the akumatized victim was there so Adrien and I went home and then the paparazzi found us so we came here! That's it!"

"Sweetie. We believe you. But we send you to school to keep you safe. We can't just let you leave school whenever you want. You're on house arrest until we say so." My mom said.

"What! That's not fair! I didn't feel safe at school so we left. It won't happen again."

"Then maybe we need to take you out of that school."

"No!" I said loudly. "I'm sorry I messed up I won't do it again."

"Marinette what has gotten into you! You're leaving school and now you're yelling at us. Go to your room. We'll discuss this later!"

"That's so not fair." I said as I limped up to my room.

I looked at my phone. I wanted to call Alya, but she agreed with my parents. She didn't understand why I was always disappearing. There was only one person who would understand.


I walked into through my the front door of my house to see it completely empty. My backpack had been resting by my front gate, so I hardly doubt anyone had noticed I had been late. I sadly walked up to my room and threw my stuff down on my bed.

"Why the long face? You finally know who the girl of your dreams is!" Plagg said.

"I know. And I am glad it's Marinette! I just.. now.." I didn't know how to say it.

Of course it was Marinette. I should've put it together. She was always helping everyone else and was incredibly kind. I've always protected her. I've always protected ladybug. Now, I'll give anything to protect them. Her I mean.

I was about to go find my father when I heard my phone start to ring.

"Hello?" I said as I sat down on my bed.

"Adrien?" I heard the voice say on the other line.


"Ya it's me. I.. I don't really know why I called you. It's just my parents might take me out of school because of how much I'm missing and I can't talk to anyone else about because they wouldn't understand."

Marinette? Leave school? No! Not after we just figured out each other's true identities.

"We'll.. we'll figure it out Marinette. Wanna meet up?"

"There's no way my parents will let me out."

"Maybe Marinette can't go out, but who's stopping ladybug." I said in response.

"Meet me at the rooftop." She said before hanging up.

"Plagg Claws out!" I said.

I jumped out of my window and glided from building to building, excitement and nerves building up inside me. Why am I getting nervous to see Marinette. Ladybug. God, this is too much for me.
When I approached the roof, I saw her there looking beautiful. Her blueberry hair and blue eyes made my heart flutter.

"Chat Noir." She said as I plopped down on the roof.

"Marinette." I answered.

Both of us stood their awkwardly, not really knowing what to say.

"I.. I don't know what to do Adrien." She said sadly.

I wanted to comfort her. To tell her everything was gonna be alright. But I didn't even know how to begin.

"You're my weakness Adrien Agreste. I can't fight next to you. I'll give up everything. I'll ruin us."

I thought this conversation was the worst thing that could've happened, but boy was I wrong.

I looked at her just in time. An akuma was flying up to her yo-yo, and she was oblivious.

"Ladybug!" I yelled as I tackled her to the ground.

"Ad.." she yelled.

I knew hawkmoth was about to take her over. I also knew he was probably listening. I did the one thing I knew would stop her sentence, and hopefully the akuma.

I reached over and kissed her. She stopped her sentence immediately, and I can happily say she began to kiss back.

In Front of my Eyes : A Miraculous StoryWhere stories live. Discover now