12I Homescreen

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Being absorbed in my work was a rare thing, but it was English and we were doing creative writing, which I felt was pretty self explanatory.

That was why, as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I just decided to ignore it, too 'in the zone' to be bothered to switch it off. Anyway, the volume wasn't on, so it wasn't like the teacher would notice.

However, as I felt it vibrate again only a few seconds later, I couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed.

Finding it unimportant, I continued to write, only to pause as my phone vibrated numerous times in a row.

Annoyed about it by now, I decided to put it on silent, and after making sure the teacher wasn't looking I slipped it out of my pocket, keeping it hidden under the desk.

I switched on my phone, revealing my beach aesthetic wallpaper, only to see I had been sent a number of texts from an unknown number.

By this point, I was beyond curious, so I decided to open up my phone and check what had been said.

Hey stuart







Owen. It had to be. He was the only one who called me Stuart. Groaning, I was about to put my phone away, when I received another text.

Nice homescreen

Eyes widening, I glanced behind me to where Owen was, seeing his hand held under the desk, a smirk on his face as he locked eyes with me

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Eyes widening, I glanced behind me to where Owen was, seeing his hand held under the desk, a smirk on his face as he locked eyes with me.

Lila: How did you get my number?!!!!

Owen: Let's just say your friends r big lowen supporters 😉

Lila: Lowen? Wht r u on abt?

Lila: Waittttt

Lila: No!!!!!!!!

Owen: Yep

Lila: I hate you

Owen: Come on stuarttttt I'm your bestie rly

Just as I began to type my response, a light force bounced against my shoulder, causing me to flinch from the unexpectedness of it.

Glancing down at the floor, I saw it was a scrunched up ball of paper, and, after making sure the teacher still wasn't looking at me, I discreetly reached down to grab it again.

Holding onto the table as I bent down, I swept the paper off the floor, pulling myself up to sit properly.

The teacher still hadn't noticed me.

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