17I Movie

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I'm doing an early update for xxaarieexx because according to her profile, she's bored and really wants someone to update. You're welcome!

The final bell rang and I stood up, pulling my bag over my shoulder.

True to his word, Liam told my stepbrothers about the fact that today was my mom's birthday, causing them to give me some space since they understood what I was going through.

I kept my head down as I walked out of the classroom and into the corridor of bustling students, only looking up when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I instantly stiffened and looked up to see Noah. "Are you going home with me and Cole or Jayden and Liam?" he asked softly.

To be honest, I didn't really want to go with any of them. I needed some time to myself to clear my head.

"None. I'm walking home. I need to clear my head," I smiled lightly.

His brows furrowed in a kind of... Concerned? Expression.

"Sure. Just be careful and call one of us if you need anything call one of us," he said with a hint of worry in his voice.

"I will," I smiled reassuringly.

"OK then," Noah said, still sounding kind of unsure. "I'll tell the others."

"Thanks," I said, giving him a what I hoped was reassuring, but probably weak, smile.

"See you later then, Li." Noah gave me a small nod.

He then turned and walked away, presumably in the direction of the car, leaving me to walk out of the double doors and into the parking lot.

I walked out of the school grounds and began walking the half an hour walk back to my house.

The entire way, I just thought about my mom.

I thought about my memories of her, her hugs and kisses, her laugh and smile. Everything.

I wondered what she was doing right now. What she looked like. Had her appearance changed?

I don't think I could ever have imagined my mom looking anything other than a sweet, caring woman who was also an incredible cook.

I knew that she must have been wearing a prison suit, I wasn't that naive, but I hoped she still had the same happy twinkle in her eye.

I wasn't too sure, though. I expected prison to change people. But wasn't that the reason why they existed? To suck all the evil and badness out of you? To stop you from committing another crime?

But didn't they also suck the joy out of you? That was always my perception of them.

My mind moved on from that topic, not wanting to consider anymore just how much my mom might have changed.

Would she be happy for my dad that he found a new wife? Or would she be jealous and upset?

Would she be happy for me that I now had six brothers who I felt safe and happy with? For all I knew she could hate me because she thought I forgot about her.

Would I ever see her again?

That question was difficult for me.

The sentence was only 20 years, but if she did get out, would she be able to find us again? After all, we had moved to a completely different state and she probably had no idea where we were now becau-


My thoughts were cut off as I felt a droplet of water hit my shoulder, followed by another, then another, and then another.

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