6I Embarrassing

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I swatted at the hand that was shaking my shoulder. It was still the holidays for another week so I don't know why I had to wake up this ear-

Shit! My dad and Jessica were leaving for their honeymoon.

I shot up to see Noah standing by my bed, his eyebrows raised. I smiled sheepishly at him but he just rolled his eyes and turned away.

I got out of my bed and was about to grab some clothes when Cole stopped me from the doorway. "Nice pyjamas," he smirked.

Clearly, he was referencing my Beacon Hills shorts and teen wolf tank top, the casts signatures scrawled across it.

"Thanks. I take great proud in these. Cost an entire $10."

Cole rolled his eyes, a slight smile on his face. "Whatever. Just try and get dressed."

I changed my clothes into baggy jeans with butterflies sewn on them and a crop top also with a butterfly on, leaving my hair down and giving myself a smirk in the mirror.

God I was hot.

I then sprinted out of my room and down the stairs, nearly tripping over my own feet multiple times.

I skidded into the hallway and looked at the sight in front of me.

My dad and Jessica were standing by the open front door with a couple of suitcases each stood beside them. The boys were all standing on the opposite side of the doorway looking quite awkward.

All of their heads snapped towards me is when I reached them and I shifted from foot to foot, feeling kind of uncomfortable with all the attention.

"Right, well we better get going," my dad said after a moment of silence.

"Bye," I smiled awkwardly, deciding to go in for a hug. Sure my dad was a twat, but he was still my dad, and I was going to miss him slightly. Possibly.

I wrapped my arms around my dad's waist and buried my face in his chest, waiting for him to return the hug. But he never did.

My dad pushed me away and whispered in my ear, "You're going to embarass me in front of the boys."

I stood there in shock for a moment, before growing slightly defensive. "I think you've already done that yourself."

My dad gave me a harsh glare before turning away from me. I took that as my cue to step back and join the boys.

Logan wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side.

I glanced up at his face and noticed a frown etched onto it. He must have heard what my dad said.

"Well, we'll see you soon," Liam said awkwardly, glancing over at me and frowning.

Well this wasn't embarrassing at all.

My dad smiled at the boys and nodded. "Make sure to behave. I want the house to still be completely intact by the time I get back," he smiled, earning no laughs in response.

With that, my dad and Jessica turned around and walked out the door, dragging their suitcases along beside them.

I sighed and pulled out of Logan's grasp.

"Want to do something fun?" my stepbrother asked.

Last time someone asked me that, Jayden ending up with a pie in the face. Sounded good to me.

"I'm in."


This time, the 'fun thing' didn't involve pieing Jayden in the face, but rather a trip to the games room.

To be honest, I wasn't even surprised at this point, the mansion was absolutely massive.

Noah had wanted to join us, and had been keen to absolutely thrash me in table tennis.

I was decent, but he'd definitely had way more practice and was honestly making me just look stupid. That wasn't difficult to be fair though.

"Best of 5?" Noah groaned, beating me on our 4th rally.

"You've already won you asshole. It's literally 4-0 at the moment," I grumbled.

"Please just let me have the satisfaction of beating you again," Noah grinned innocently.

I didn't sign up for this.

"No," I refused. "I'll play some Just Dance though. I'm a pro at that."

"I'm down. I used to do dance," Noah shrugged.

"Of course you did," I groaned in annoyance, not at all happy that the one thing I was sure I was going to win at, I might just about be thrashed on. Again.

"Still want to play?"


"Want to play some pool?"

"You literally beat me on that earlier."


"Never played."

"Anything at all?"

I paused, eyes travelling around the room, considering my options.

"How good at you at video games?" I finally asked.

"Absolutely shit."

Now that was good.

To be fair, I myself wasn't too good either, but I was decent enough. I reckon I had a chance of winning.









Noah let out a groan as he rubbed his head, now distracted from the game.

I took the opportunity to reach over and use his controller to kill his avitar, leaving me in the lead.

"That's cheating," Noah groaned.

"No shit. But it worked, so I don't really care to be honest," I shrugged, finding myself only a few jumps from the end.

However, just as I was about to cross the river, my controller was snatched from my hands.

I'd been so busy concentrating it took me a second to work out what had happened, and by the my character was already drowning.

"Now neither of us win."

A/N I know this is kind of late in the book to say this, but I'm English and this book is based in the USA.

I'm sorry if I get spelling, words, the schooling system, shops and other things wrong, but it's just because I'm not actually American.

Please feel free to point out my mistakes, though. It will help me in the future.

Anyway, thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy :)


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