10I Cliche

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Second period, aka biology.

I'd always sucked at biology, but the teacher seemed nice enough so I wasn't exactly complaining. However, with the speed she was talking, it was hard to keep up with my note taking.

Around twenty minutes in, the door was suddenly flung open and my head snapped up, seeing a boy with black hair walking in. He wore an Adidas jacket and ripped jeans. It was obvious the stranger had a laid back attitude and a smirk was plastered on his face.

He casually walked up to the teacher and looked around at us, gaze travelling around the classroom.

"Owen Hale," the teacher growled. "Late again for the twelfth time this year." She paused and her eyes wandered around the classroom until they landed on the empty chair next to me.

I barely had time to even realise what was happening before the teacher was talking again.

"Please take a seat next to Miss Cooper at the back there," Mrs Thompson instructed and instantly everyone's head snapped over in my direction

In that moment, I just wished I could have sunk into the floor, something which was as likely to happen as thousands of people dying from a global pandemic.

The boy, Owen, swept his gaze over to where I was and a smirk crept onto his face.

To be honest, I wasn't exactly the most social person, and I was happy sitting alone. However, not wanting to cause a fuss, I just remained quiet as he sauntered over to where I sat, drawing out his walk as much as he could, clearly bathing in the attention his fellow students were giving him. 

Owen slipped into the seat next to me and leaned back so that his elbows were resting on the empty desk behind us.

Quickly pulling my gaze away, I focused on writing the notes Mrs Thomas was talking us through. As this was my first week, I wanted to make a good impression on the teachers.

"I'm Owen," the boy suddenly spoke up, and I felt his gaze on me.

"Hi," I murmered distractedly as Mrs Thompson was talking quite quickly.

"You're hot," Owen said after a moment of silence.

I felt myself blush slightly at this. No boy had ever called me hot before. Even if I didn't want to admit it, it felt nice.

Once again, I just gave a small murmer of 'thanks' trying to still remain focused on my notes.

There was another pause and I kind of hoped he had given up talking to me. I wasn't really in the mood for conversation as my hand began to ache from all the fast writing I was doing.

"I like you. You seem cool," Owen stated, seemingly out of the blue.

"In the nicest possible way, can you please stop talking to me, because as much as I love these compliments, I'm kind of trying to work right now," I said, just wanting to shut him up at this point.

I tried to keep my voice as low as possible, not wanting to draw attention from the teacher.

Owen began to chuckle and couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed by his response, considering the fact I had just asked him to stop talking to me. "Fair enough, but one more question, what's your name?" he asked, causing me to let out a small sigh.

Just as I opened my mouth to respond, the bell rang. Thank God.

I quickly jumped out of my seat and shoved my books and pens in my bag. I threw it over my shoulder and hurriedly walked towards the door when I heard a voice from behind me call, "I will find out your name!"

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