27I Security

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I took a sip of my hot chocolate and raised my eyebrows at Sophie who was sat opposite me.

"That wasn't even a good joke," Jin scoffed.

"I have one!" Melody grinned. I took a large bite of my double chocolate chip muffin and stared at her. "A married man took his side chic on a date and said to her, 'babe, tell me words that will increase my heartbeat.' She said, 'Your wife is sitting behind us.' "

Maddie snorted slightly and Kaya just giggled while shaking her head. I raised my eyebrows at Melody with a slight smirk on my face.

"That wasn't even that funny!" Lucas whined.

"I have a good joke," Kaya piped up.

"I bet you it's crap," Lucas chuckled.

"Funny you should say that," Kaya smirked. "Because the joke is... Your face!"

Lucas rolled his eyes at her attempt at humor. "That's the cringiest joke in the book," he scoffed.

"It's true though," Kaya shrugged in response.

"The only joke here is your life," Lucas retorted with narrowed eyes.

"At least I have more of a life then you."

"As if."

"It's true."

"Just how Donald Trump is a nice person is true."

"Well at least I'm not as much as an asshole as Donald Trump. Can't say the same for you."

Nobody was attempting to stop them from arguing, and to be honest I didn't want to either. Both Lucas and Kaya could get pretty scary when they were annoyed. "I'm just going to go get a glass of water," I mumbled, taking the last sip of my hot chocolate.

No one seemed to hear me and I let out an amused chuckle. Despite the fact that Kaya and Lucas were likely to kill each other in my absence, it was pretty amusing to see two fourteen year olds annoying each other so much and how serious they were taking it. And I thought my brothers were bad.

I shook my head and stood up, taking one more quick glance at the table before I walked over to the counter, and saw Lucas and Kaya face to face, glaring at each other and speaking angrily. Ah. What would I do without my friends?

I walked over to the counter and stood in front of it, waiting for someone to see me.

After a moment, a waitress appeared and she gave me a kind smile which I returned. "What can I get for you?" she asked.

"I'll have a glass of water, please," I said politely.

"Of course," the waitress nodded, turning and walking over to the tap.

I rested my arms against the top of the counter and watched as she pulled out a glass in the cupboard above the sink and turned on the water. She then filled up the cup and walked back over to me, placing it down in front of me.

"Thanks," I smiled, grabbing hold of the glass and turning around.

I was about to walk back to the table when I stopped upon seeing the awful sight that greeted my eyes.

Owen Hale was sat on my spot, laughing slightly while saying something to the others. He said something else and they all burst into laughter.

I let out a sigh, although for some reason I felt a small burst of happiness inside me. I pushed the feeling away and walked over to our table.

As I neared them, Owen glanced up and made eye contact with me. A smirk overtook his face and I narrowed my eyes at his smug expression.

"Oh, great. Owen's here," I sighed.

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