8I First Day

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It had been six days since the pool incident and it was officially my first day of school.

At that moment I was in the car with Noah, Cole and Logan who was driving. Liam and Jayden had insisted driving separately from us because apparently it would ruin their reputation to be seen with me.

To be honest, that saddened me slightly. I had definitely grown closer to my stepbrothers but it felt as though they still didn't want me as part of their family. They were putting their popularity over their new little sister.

I had to admit that that sounded kind of selfish, but it just hurt. I may have been over reacting but I genuinely thought they had accepted me.

We pulled up in the car park and I noticed the others weren't there yet.

I sighed and pushed open my door, stepping out into the crowded parking lot.

People stopped and stared at me, their gazes flickering to Cole and Noah who stood beside me. I'd previously guessed that my stepbrothers were players and jocks, so it wasn't a surprise that people's jaws had dropped upon seeing the new girl standing with two of them. I just hoped they didn't think I was their girlfriend.

I really didn't like the attention and I definitely wasn't used to it. Apart from my acting, singing and just generally performing, I wasn't used to being in the spot light. Especially because I knew just how judgmental high schoolers could be.

Luckily, the attention was diverted from us when another car pulled into the parking lot. It was Liam and Jayden.

Jesus Christ I didn't think this whole popular thing happened in real life too, I thought it was just in shit like Riverdale and High School Musical.

I sighed and hitched my bag slightly further up on my shoulder before turning around to face Cole and Noah. Except that they weren't there. They had both left me for their friends.

I didn't mind being alone going into the school, but my petty ass was still ready to be pissed at my stepbrothers.

I decided to head towards the office, completely lost but pretending to know what I was doing.

I walked through the corridors filled with students, who were complete strangers to me, when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see a girl with strawberry blonde, curly hair, freckles and green eyes standing next to a boy with dirty blonde hair swept to the side and brown eyes.

"You look new. And lost. I don't think I've ever seen you before. Yeah, you must be new. I'm Melody and this is my cousin Lucas. We can help you if you're new and lost. Do you need to go to the office? We know where that is. We can help you find it. How old are you? I'm 14 but I'll be 15 soon. Lucas is already 15. I hate being younger. Do you have any siblings? I don't. Lucas is practically my brother, though. Did you know we live together? Of course you don't. You're new so you wouldn't do. Whoops. My bad. Hey, do you like pizza? Because pizza's the best! Especially pepporon-" she was cut off by Lucas punching her arm lightly.

I liked her already.

"Sorry for her. So are you new and lost?" Lucas asked a lot more calmly than Melody.

"Yeah, and if you could show me the office that would be great. I have no clue what I'm doing whatsoever," I smiled sheepishly.

"We would love to take you!" Melody exclaimed and I couldn't help but smile at her eagerness.

She then proceeded to grab my wrist gently and practically dragged me down the hallway with Lucas trailing behind us.

These two strangers who I met five seconds ago were definitely doing a better job looking out for me than my stepbrothers.

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