19I Sister

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"He was a skater boy
She said, "see you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
She had a pretty face
But her head was up in space
She needed to come back down to earth
Five years from now
She sits at home
Feeding the baby, she's all alone
She turns on TV
Guess who she sees
Skater boy rockin' up MTV
She calls up her friends
They already know
And they've all got tickets to see his show
She tags along
Stands in the crowd
Looks up at the man that she turned down!"

I sang at the top of my lungs as I twirled around the kitchen while mixing the cake batter in the bowl pressed to my chest.

"He was a skater b-" I was rudely interrupted by a cough from behind me.

My eyes widened at the thought of someone having witnessed my crazy act.

I whipped round to see who was standing in the doorway only to see Mason. Great. Just great.

Well at least he got a free concert.

I smiled at him sheepishly and then placed the bowl back down on the counter next to the oven. "Hi," I said awkwardly.

Mason gave an amused chuckle.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Oh yeah," Mason said, a smile still on his face. "Everyone else is out so I thought we could go down to grab some food at a cafe or something," he shrugged.

"You had me at food," I grinned eagerly.

"Great. Go get dressed then and I'll meet you by the car in fifteen," he said.

Mason walked out of the kitchen and I quickly covered the top of the bowl with cling film and put it in the fridge so I could bake it later.

I then proceeded to jog upstairs and into my room. I pulled on a simple outfit of baggy denim. jeans and this really pretty, cropped button- up lilac top. I also wore a bucket hat because those things were cool, and pulled my hair into a messy fishtail braid at the back of my head.

I checked the time and saw it had already been ten minutes, meaning it was time to meet Mason.

I hurriedly pulled on my white sneakers and ran out into the hallway and down the stairs.

I reached the front door and walked out to Mason's car where he was already sat in the driver's seat.

I walked over to the passenger door, about to open it when I felt hands grip my waist. I tensed up immediately, unsure of who it was.

"You're in the back," Logan's voice said in my ear and I instantly relaxed. Thank God it was just him.

"I thought you had college today?" I asked curiously.

"Why? Want to get rid of me?" he asked with a smile.

"Yep," I said playfully.

Logan gasped dramatically and put a hand to his heart.

"Bully!" he exclaimed indignantly. "Now go sit in the back."

"Why can't I go in the front?" I asked indignantly.

"Because you're too short," Logan replied with a small chuckle.

"Hey!" I exclaimed indignantly. "At least my height's more than my ego. Can't say the same for you," I joked, knowing full well that Logan was the one in the family with the smallest ego.

"Maybe. But that doesn't change the fact you're still a midget," he smiled.

"Can you two just please get in the car?" Mason groaned, although there was an amused twinkle in his eye.

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