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"Where are we going babe?" a highly agitated and very annoying Rihanna asked while I am driving.

I let a very loud and exasperated groan that even an elephant seal would be proud of. "For the millionth time babe, it's a surprise! Surprise as in you cannot find out where we are going, so please relax."

"I'm sorry, I am just REALLY excited! I am married now and we are happy as ever and that makes me really happy," my gorgeous wife gushed.

By this time we had arrived at the airport and outside was a conglomerate of journalists and paparazzi, yes there is a difference,  who were next to the SUV. Waiting for us to come out and be reduced to vulnerable-almost-certain-front-cover-news for tomorrow's news.

Eventually, we come out and with the help of security we make our way to the private jet. Ray Bans donned, face down and Rihanna right next to me with our hands held, we reach the jet.

"After you," I said gesturing for her to get in first. Between me and you the true reason is because flying still makes me hella nervous.

"Ooh chivalry is not dead huh?" Rihanna questioned with a massive grin plastered on her lips.

"Oh baby girl, chivalry was never dead but asleep. It just needed a deserving generation to wake it up,"  I said.  By now we were seated and our seat belts were on.

"The dictionary defines chivalry as courteous behavior, especially that of men towards women. And according to my knowledge, that doesn't happen very often."

"Hence the term 'asleep' because it happens often rather not at all!" This was a very interesting conversation on chivalry.

"But the term 'asleep' makes it seem like the lack of courteous behavior in the world is a good thing," Rihanna argued. I must admit,  this was her sexiest side.

I leaned closer to her, my breath hot against her earlobe causing her to shiver "I love it when you talk nerdy to me," I whispered seductively reducing Rihanna to a mumbling drivel.

*time lapse*

"Bonjour madame and welcome to the Paris Marriott Champs Elysees Hotel," the chaperone welcomed us.

"Bonjour and thanks for the welcome, we'll be making our way to our room yeah?" saying I was extremely exhausted would not do justice to how I really felt.


"Are you okay baby girl? " I said to Sadé who could not stop yawning.

"A bit sleepy," She said at the pace of a sloth.

"A bit? Yeah right. Anyway I can't believe you fucking brought us to Paris for our honeymoon."

"What, you don't like it?" She yawned again while getting into bed.

"I love it and I love you," I said while straddling her hips. She ran her hand through my hair and propped herself using her elbows until our faces were inches apart. We shared a slow sensual kiss that embodied our love.

"I love you too," She gave me one last peck on the cheek.  I soon fell asleep in her embrace.


Mmapetja Leshilo
IG: mmapetjal
Snapchat: Petjazana

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