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Ohmigod I feel like I have been hit by a bus then someone ran over me with a bike soon afterwards. I am in love with the pain, can you tell? One thing I am really glad about is being able to touch Rihanna. My comatose self longed for her touch but felt that 3 weeks would be long enough to wait for the touch. Nice going, comatose Sadie!!

Right now I am waiting for everyone to arrive and actually see me.

"Babe, you should have totally seen yourself when I pretended not to remember you," I reflected, it was an actually funny sight. She looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"That was not funny, you know you could never forget me even if you tried," she joked. How did I end up with someone so perfect??

"To quote Justin Bieber, never say never," I smirked, I loved getting under her skin. Frustration was a sexy look on her.

"Oh yeah?!" she glared at me amusingly.

"Yeah!" I glanced at her lips, she took the hint and leaned closer to me. She bit my lower lip before slipping her tongue into my mouth. I loved the taste of her lips my God.

"Is it safe to come inside?" the little voice of my 8yr old niece came from the door.

"Ugh might as well," I was quite bummed out that they interrupted Ri and I. But nonetheless I was happy to see them.

"Hi aunt Sadie," Kaelo greeted while her hands were covering her eyes.

"Hi doofus, you can move your hands now," She did as told and immediately ran to my bed.

"One question before we continue with these lovey dovey things," Wow, how old was she again?!

"Shoot" I said while picking her up and putting her on my lap.

"Did God actually tell you how to get an endless supply of ice-cream because it seems like my request has not reached him yet?" she lamented. My niece was two bucket loads of awesome.

"No, but He did tell me what you did to my favourite sweater," I answered her and her expression changed from happiness to horror. "Busted!" Nyaki yelled out.

"Say, I can totally explain that. You see what had happened was..." her eyebrows furrowed in an attempt to conjure up a really good lie.

"Hahaha it's okay, I've forgiven you already," I kissed her forehead and she seemed relieved. "Hi everyone else," I finally acknowledged everyone who came to visit.

"Finally, she notices us!" Naledi says with a fake angry expression.

"Hello sister, nice to know you have missed me in the three weeks I've been asleep," I spread my arms out, welcoming her hug. Everyone else joined in the hug.

"Let me go grab coffee for everyone, I'll be just a second," Rihanna informed us while giving me a peck on the cheek.


As much I wanted to be part of the fun, the baby inside me was hungry and so was I.

I entered Starbucks and ordered coffee for everyone. A cafe latte for Ouma, a decaf for Ndana, regular coffee for Nyaki and Kaelo, a java for Naledi and a caramel frappucino for Sadie. I ordered a donut and a cappuccino and  decided to eat right there. Yes, I was THAT hungry!!

"Well well well, hello beautiful," shit that voice was too familiar. Oh great, just my luck.

"Chris??" I said in a tone that was supposed to sound less terrified.

"In the flesh," he said in an intimidating tone.

"What are you doing here??" I asked suddenly more confident than before.

"To fuck shit up between you and your girl!"


Mmapetja Leshilo
Snapchat: Petjazana

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