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"To fuck shit up between you and your girl!" he sneered. Instant rage was radiating through my body.

"Listen here you dipshit! I let you ruin my life once or twice but I'll be damned if I let you ruin it again."

"Ooh fiesty!" he said with a conceited smirk. As much as I really wanted to wipe the floor with his smug face, I'm really hungry.

"Look Chris, as much it was nice seeing you again, I came to eat so if you'll excuse me." I sat back down and turned my back at him hoping he will get the idea and leave me alone.

"Oh I wouldn't want to get on a pregnant woman's bad side," he retorted.

"Excuse me?" I remained neutral but internally, I was freaking out!

"Oh you heard me," he was looking so annoyingly smug. Ugh, I hate him.

"Yeah and you don't know what you're talking about so shut it before I shut it for you." I remained neutral. Can't let him win this round.

"Oh but a little birdie told me," he grinned widely.

"Oh and did your birdie also tell you that it's your fault I'm pregnant?" his grin faltered. Victory.

"What?" He said in utter shock.

"Chris, sweet Chris, if you must falter be wise. Next time you send people to come fix me, make sure to tell them to never leave things behind. But I'm there will not be any next time, right Chrissy boy?" I gently slapped his cheek, I hate causing scenes.

"I-I-I don't know what you're talking about," he was scared shitless.

"Sure you don't, I never want to see you again. Now run along and go to your girlfriend and leave me alone. Buh bye Chris," I waved him off and went back to eating my meal.

Milestone: I stood up to the one person I feared. *cue applause*


Mmapetja Leshilo

IG: mmapetjal
Snapchat: Petjazana

*Check out my book titled, Us.

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