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It has been 3 days since Leeyah came up with the awesome idea of us moving the wedding to Plettenberg Bay. The place is beautiful and remote which is perfect for our situation.

Pregnancy has always been a mindfuck for me. It's like YOU HAVE A PERSON GROWING IN YOU! HOW?!?! and now look, I too am pregnant! I have accepted this reality that I am going to have a child who is a product of rape but I won't love the child any less.

Sadé has also been very great. She seems really excited to be a mother to this baby. Demi and Leeyah have been bickering about who is going to be the best godmother. They are the cutest I swear.

Right now Sadé's Ouma is driving us to the airport. The wedding is in 4 days and the whole family will be in Plettenberg Bay setting up everything for us.

"Well, see you in 4 days my little skittles," Ouma said while gesturing for us to leave before our flight leaves.

"Hahahaha skittles group hug?" Sadé said and we all hugged. We looked like a bag of skittles because of Ouma's short blonde hair mixed with ours.

"Bye!" We all said while heading towards the gate and boarding our flight.

We were all seated in the business class when I received a skype call from Shakira.

"Hey Shaks,"  I said grinning into the camera.

"Heyy Ri and Sadiekins," she said whilst giggling at the nickname she gave Sadé.

"Hey Shakins," Sade responded and went back to listening to her ipod.

"Ri, I just emailed my part of the song and need you to add a verse and repeat the bridge okay?"

"Mkay let me finna work on it now," I said getting my writing pad out.

"Kewl, bye Ri I have to go kisses from me to you."

"Bye Shak mwahhh!" I said making kissy faces at the screen. I looked at my email and listened to the song. It was really to add more sass to it legoooo!


I go back again

Fall off the train

Land in his bed

Repeat yesterday's mistakes

What I'm trying to say is not to forget

You see only the good, selective memory

The way he makes me feel like

The way he makes me feel

I never see to act so stupid

Oh here we go

He a part of me now, he a part of me


I'd rob and I'd kill to keep him with me

I'd do anything for that boy

I'd give my last dime to hold him tonight

I'd do anything for that boy

Once I was done, I sent the work to Shakira and told her we'll work on the song properly next week when I'm in L.A. I closed my laptop and glanced at Sadé, she was sleeping. I pecked her on the cheek and went to sit next to Demi.

"Hey Dems."

"Hey Robs," she whisper yelled because Leeyah was sleeping on her shoulder.

"Why would she sit near the window if she...ohhh nevermind" I said finally seeing the cuteness behind the gesture . "Anyway I want to ask you something."

"What do you need Robbie?"

"I want you to sing at our wedding" I said not realising how nervous I was.

"Uh I don't know Robs, I don't want to mess up your special day."

"Are you kidding Demi! You singing at my wedding would  be the best thing ever!! Come on you have to say yes" I pleaded with her.

"Oh okay then," she grinned. Wow this girl's smile though! The brightest.

"Thank you Dems!" I hugged her then went back to my seat and waited for the plane to land. 2 hour plane rides are awesome!


Mmapetja Leshilo


IG: mmapetjal

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