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"Baby, what do you want with your croissants? " I yelled from the kitchen while Sadé was busy with baby Sari. After a few seconds without her responding, I shouted her name. "Sadé!" She did not respond again so I went to look for her in the living room.

"You're probably sitting there on your own
You're probably listening to this song
Pumping all over your radio
And suddenly you feel a lot of joy, joy
You're singing along,
The Soil comes in, you don't care, you just carry on

You're probably sitting there on your own
You're probably listening to this song
Pumping all over your radio
And suddenly you feel a lot of joy...
Oh oh oh oh oh"

Awh how cute she was singing to baby Sari. This was a cute moment and luckily I caught the whole the whole thing on my phone's camera.

"Heyyy baby Sari! Do you know how cool your eyes are? They almost look red when you're hungry, almost like a vampire. That is so weird but a cute kind of weird yahno?" I couldn't help but laugh at that. You see, Sadé believes in speaking normally to a baby in order to help them learn how to speak faster. She believes baby talk makes a baby stupid. I married a weirdo.

"Oh hey baby! Why are you standing there watching us like a creep?" She asked while rocking Sari trying to get her to sleep.

"I wanted to know what you wanted in your croissant."

"Cheese and tomato," I knew it! That is like her favourite for everything. Sandwich, pizza, omelette or croissant- always add cheese and tomato.

"Really? You're not going to switch it up just a little?"

"Okay, tomato and cheese, " Ohmigod!

"Okay, bye!" I married a weirdo.


"Cut!" I yelled then walked over to Demi. "Hey, okay I need you to repeat the hair flip. The last one was dire, take it from I just need to a bite.... then the big hair flip okay?"

"Okay, cool!" Demi gave me a high five and I returned to my seat.

"And action!" I shouted. I was directing the music video of Demi's new single Cool For The Summer.

"That's a wrap, thank you people! Tomorrow, we shoot the foam party come dressed to partayyy!" I joked to my team.

"Hey," Demi whispered to me in a morose tone while I was working on today's shots.

"What's up Demz?"

"I..." my phone began blasting American Oxygen indicating that Rihanna is calling.

"Hold on to that thought Demz," I held up my hand to signal her to stop talking. "Hey baby wassup?"

"Something is wrong with Sari."

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