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We arrived at the OR Tambo International Airport in South Africa. For once I was not visiting a country for business but strictly pleasure. I'll be meeting my baby's family. I will be meeting the Ross' - anxiety has just hit me like a ton of bricks!

I looked at a sleeping Sadé who looked flawless even in her sleep and I mentally prepared myself for this whole trip "Babe wake up" I said shaking her gently.

"Oh hey nana" she said sexily in her sleepy voice.

"Okay you seriously need to stop speaking in vernac okay?" I said faking a serious expression.

"Oh alright. I'm sorry let me rephrase that, Oh hey baby," she said trying the best cute face she could possibly pull.

"Aww cute," I said while helping her out of her seat. We headed to the airport entrance where we had to meet her Ouma. Nerve wrecking!

"Babe, can you see my Ouma anywhere?" Sadé said while taking out her phone and composing her Ouma's number.

"Is it that lady over there with a board written Robyn and Sadé?" I said pointing at a short but fit woman who looked like she was in her early 40s but could easily pass as a 27yr old. Unbelievable!

"Yeah yeah that's her" Sadé said excitedly pulling me towards her Ouma "OUMA!!" she screamed while nearing her Ouma.

"OUMATJIE!!" she screamed back and gave us both a hug.

"Uhh Ouma this Robyn Rihanna Fenty my fiancé" she said nervously.

"Hi Mrs Ross, nice to meet you" I said nervously

"Oh darling call me Ouma and nice to finally meet you I've heard a lot about you" she said with a huge smile. Well she's harmless.

"All good things I hope," Sadé placed her arm protectively around my waist.

"Absolutely! We had heard a lot about you even before you guys met, who could forget the infamous black t-shirt written I'm Rihanna's bitch" she said while laughing.

"Oumaaa" Sadé said shyly as she buried her head in my neck.

"I think I have to see this t-shirt soon."

"In due time babe," she said her breath brushing my skin sending shivers down my spine

"Right! Ladies shall we get going?" Ouma said

"Sunglasses on please," I said knowing very well that the paps would be outside. And sure enough they were and we had to push through until we reached the car.

"Wow, so this is what it's like to be famous, I don't crave it at all!" Ouma said still to recover from the ringing sound in her ears caused by the screaming paparazzi.

*Rihanna's phone rings

"Talk to me," I answered.

"Hey Ri, it's Shakira."

"Oh hey Shak, what can I do you for?" I squealed.

"There is a new song I'm working on and I was wondering if you are interested in adding a little something to the song," Shakira said sounding nervous.

" Yeah sure I'd love to, I just landed in South Africa so uhh send me the first part and I'll work on it and I'll probably meet you in a week or so yeah?"

"Okay thanks Ri!"

"No sweat, goodnight or morning or whatever it is that side."

*End of phone call

"Alright welcome to the Ross residence," Ouma said leading us to the front door.

"Wow you have a very beautiful house Ouma," I said admiring the kitchen and the tiling.

"Thanks darling."

"Ouma, where is mom?" Sadé said after scanning the house for her mom.

"Uh she went to fetch Kaelo and Nyaki, your cousins, we'll be meeting them tomorrow at Sandton City," she said while taking out fresh linen for us.

"Oh okay well Robyn and I will be heading to bed, goodnight Ouma."

"Goodnight babies," she said giving us both a kiss on the cheek before disappearing into her bedroom.

"Goodnight baby, I love you," I said while trying to get comfortable in the bed.

"Goodnight love you more," she gave me a soft kiss.

"Not possible," I said while pulling Sadé closer to me so that there was no distance between us and drifted into a very nice sleep.

*time lapse*


"Good morning sunshine," I said to a very sleepy Robyn.

"Hey babe," she said in a sexy morning voice.

"Get up and shower then meet me downstairs for breakfast, we are meant to meet my mom in an hour."

"Why didn't you wake me up early so that I could shower with you?" Robyn said faking a pout.

"Because I knew if we showered we probably wouldn't leave the shower," I said with a smirk. 

"Smart thinking, okay well let me go shower," she stood up and walked towards the bathroom and I playfully slapped her bum "Uh you perv!" she said trying to sound offended.

"That's why you love me," I cooed.

"Whatever!" she said heading into the bathroom.

*time lapse*

"So where are we going?" Robyn said curiously in the car.

"We are going to a restaurant at Sandton City called The Word and it's owned by a close friend of mine Nkateko Maluleke," I said finally feeding her curiosity.

"Sounds fancy," she said thinking of Lord knows what.

"Yeah and they serve good quality gourmet cuisine and that is why Nkateko is the most successful chef in the Southern hemisphere," I said bragging on Nkateko's behalf.

"Does he have franchises?"

"Yeah in Dubai, Sydney, Paris and Thailand and more, why? Are you planning to do business with him?" I questioned.

"Maybe," she smirked.

"Okay well we are here," we got out of the car and headed to the restaurant.

"Reservation for?" the hostess at the front asked us.

"Sadé Ross" I replied and we were shown to our table, we ordered and waited for my mom and cousins.

"Here is your order, Compliments of the chef," the waitress said handing us our food.

"Thanks, can you please tell your head chef to come and greet."

"Will do," the waitress disappeared into the kitchen and soon enough Nkateko came out.

"Seun! Mr Maluleke sir!" I said shaking his hand.

"Sadie! What brings you to these parts?"

"Well I'm here to introduce my fiancé to my mom and you," I said pointing to Rihanna "Rihanna,Nkateko...Nkateko,Rihanna"

"Finally! You get the girl! Nice to meet you Rihanna," he said giving Rihanna a hug.

"Nice to meet you too Nkateko."

"Okay well enjoy your food ladies but I am needed in the kitchen."

"Bye Nkateko!" we both said in unison.

"Sadé..." I heard a familiar voice yell from behind me.

"Mom!" I said turning around to hug my mom but I stopped in my tracks when I saw him a gruesome reminder of my past


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