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*earlier that day*

Sadé is at work today. She is directing Demi's new music video. Demi has come far when it comes to her music career. Her new album is going to have an explicit content sticker! That right there is what I call progress.

"Today it's just you and me baby girl. What would you like to do?" Baby Sari just looked at me like I was an oversized milk provider. Baby logic. "You want milk? Okey dokey just give it a minute to cool."

Baby Sari had been looking rather pale for the pay few days. Her beady eyes don't look so beady anymore. I'm going to have to take her to the doctor later today.

After a few minutes, I checked on the milk. "Good news baby, your milk is ready! Isn't that wonderful?" I swear this idea of talking to her like she's an adult makes me feel stupid.

Baby Sari's leg was moving weirdly! It looked more like a jerk. After a few minutes she stopped breathing. I immediately feel the rising panic in me. I quickly rush to the phone and dial the emergency number.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Help me! My newborn baby isn't breathing! Please help me I can't lose her!"

"Calm down Ma'am, we have tracked you and you'll be assisted in no time. Hang in there."

I cried into Sari's blanky until help came and we were rushed to the hospital. I called Sadé whilst we were on our way to the hospital, she should be coming in with Demi anytime now.

"Baby! What's wrong with Sari? Are you okay?" She rambled, it was cute but right now what I needed was for her to hold me.

"She's been in there for too long Sadé. I can't lose her, " I felt her arms pull me closer into her and I just continued to sob into her chest. Demi's sobs were muffled but I could still hear them.

*time lapse*

"Family of Sari Fenty?" A woman in a white lab coat called into the waiting room at the pediatric section of the hospital. Sadé, Demi, Leeyah,who joined us earlier on, and I all stood up and walked towards the woman.

"Is my daughter okay?" I said desperately.

"Good day, I'm Dr. Rodriguez and define fine, " she shot us a sympathetic smile. I was not in the mood for this.

"Listen here Dr.McStuffins! If you are not prepared on informing me about the state of health of MY daughter then I'll find someone who can!" I yelled probably agitating the other distraught families in the waiting room. Fuck them.

"Don't mind her but in all fairness we would like to know how our daughter is doing, " Sadé countered instantly calming me down. This Dr. Doolittle must've prayed today because she would have had to perform surgery on her own face once I was done with her! Wow,I need to chill out.

"I understand. Well it seems that baby Sari had a arterial ischemic stroke. " She said as if it was the most natural thing to say. She was probably reiterating notes from her medical textbooks, little bitch. Again Riri, chill out!

"A stroke? Huh? I think I speak for all of us when I say please explain, " Demi's raspy voice decided to make a valuable contribution into the conversation.

"An ischemic stroke is when the blood flow to the brain is diminished, usually because of a clot, called a thrombus, in one of the blood vessels in the brain. There are two types of ischemic stroke that occur in children, especially newborns: sinovenous thrombosis, where there is a clot in one of the veins in the brain, and arterial ischemic stroke, where the clot is in an artery in the brain. Your daughter suffered the latter," my heart was crumbling with every word the doctor said. My poor baby. The doctor continued.

"Stroke in newborns usually shows no clinical symptoms, and the problem often goes unrecognized and thus untreated until the baby is much older.

Of the newborns who do show symptoms, the vast majority present with a seizure. Seizure is the most recognizable sign of stroke in this age group. The symptoms of seizure are sometimes difficult to spot in newborns, and they include the following:

repetitive facial movements, including sucking, chewing, or eye movementsunusual bicycling or pedaling movements, staring apnea, or pauses in breathing associated with slowing of the heart,rhythmic jerking movements involving the muscles of the face, tongue, arms, legs, or other regions, stiffening or tightening of muscle groups, quick, single jerks involving one arm or leg or the whole body," the doctor concluded and to say we were gobsmacked is an understatement. We were befuddled and bewildered!

"Woah, that's a lot of things you said there doctor. But is baby Sari going to be okay?" Leeyah chipped in and asked the question that was floating in our minds along with the other information.

"Well, your daughter will be just fine. The newborn brain is "plastic," and therefore it is more able to recover after stroke than an adult brain. The nerve cells in the newborn brain are still forming connections, and this makes it easier for the baby to transfer important functions to other parts of the brain.

With that said, there are a number of common complications that can arise from stroke in newborns. Cerebral palsy is the most common complication. Epilepsy, language problems, cognitive or behavioural problems, headache disorders, and seizure disorders can all emerge as a result of newborn stroke. These conditions require special care over the long term, to ensure the best possible quality of life for the child." Dr. Rodriguez finished and handed me a book Your Child Got A Stroke, now what? A Parent's Guide To Raising A Special Child ha!

"Thank you doc. Can we see our baby now?" Sadé said.

"Of course but only the parents can come. Follow me," I turned to Demi and Leeyah.

"Go, we'll be right here once you come out. Send our love to the little warrior," Demi said as she gently nudged us to follow the doctor.

"Hey our little lionheart," Sadé cooed as soon as we entered the room. My baby girl was hooked to a machine and she had wires and bandages and ohmigosh my poor baby! "Shhh baby, baby Sari will be alright," Sadé held me and pecked my forehead as I kept my heart glued at my little warrior.


Meh, I have microcytic hypochromnia anaemia so baby Sari did not stand a chance in my head.


Mmapetja Leshilo
Twitter: @LovaticLeshilo
IG: mmapetjal
Snapchat: petjazana

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