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trigger warning



"What do they say doctor?" I could feeling an anxiety attack coming because I feel like I was not going to like the results. But I had to soldier through and hear the doctor out.

"Well, I'm not sure if this is good news but congratulations Miss Fenty, you are pregnant!" he said with a huge grin.

"WHAT?!" both Rihanna and I said in unison.

"Err yeah I'm just going to give you guys a moment. I'm heading to Mugg&Bean need anything?" Demi said getting up. It's a good thing she did not say congrats because this is not something to congratulate!

"Sure, 2 chocolate croissants and coffee please" I grinned at her as she nodded and left the hospital room along with the doctor.

I glanced at Rihanna and sure enough she was crying her heart out. I felt sorry for her because she did not deserve this. Nobody deserves to go through this.

"Hey babe, how are you feeling?" I asked while gripping her hand and intertwining our fingers.

"It was not supposed to happen like this," she said while staring at the ceiling and still sobbing.

"Huh? What do you mean baby?" I said genuinely confused.

"I mean I wanted a child but not like this! I wanted a child with you out of love, not rape," she said almost choking towards the end.

"I know babe but it turned out that way, now all we can do is love and raise this child."

"But I'm afraid he/she will be a painful reminder of my horrible ordeal," she said still staring at the ceiling. What is so interesting up there?

"But babe we cannot blame this on an innocent child. Babe please look at me" she turned her head reluctantly to face me. I put my hand on her cheek and wiped some stray tears from her face. "We going to do this together okay?"

"Okay," she smiled and I gave her a small kiss that was able to confess all of my love for her. no words needed, just love.


I decided to leave the hospital because I needed some fresh air. I had to clear my head and fully comprehend what just happened. I could not help but feel sorry for Rihanna and Sadé, especially Rihanna. No one dese-

"Watch it!" said a voice belonging to someone I bumped into while  walking. I was not looking okay! Bite me!

"Oh gosh not again! I'm so sorry" I said to the girl while mentally slapping myself for not looking where I was walking. Again.

"No, it's okay really. I'm Leigh-Anne but you can call me Leeyah," Wow! This girl was gorgeous! She had brown eyes, red hair and had dimples that showed even when she was serious.

"I'm Demetria but you can call me Demi" I said flashing my winning smile.

"Well Demi, wanna grab some Mugg&Bean?" she asked looking quite terrified of what my answer would be.

"Yeah sure, I was heading there anyways. But I cannot stay long," I said a bit disappointed.

"Oh okay then let's make most out of the time we have," she said linking our arms.

We got to the shop and ordered what I needed to order. And I had a little chat with her and people were eyeing us weirdly because she had red hair and mine was neon blue. Fuck society.

"When can I see you again Demi?" she said blushing a bit. so fucking adorable.

"Well I'm going to be here for a while, so  how about you give me your number and I will text you," she gestured for me to hand my phone over and she entered her number.

"See you soon" she winked at me causing me to blush. I waved goodbye and left the shop. happy. This calls for a tweet.

@ddlovato so far South Africa, I'm loving you #YouHaveSomePrettyWomenHere *wink wink nudge nudge*

After posting that my twitter went wild. I smiled at my phone because my Lovatics make me happy. I closed twitter and put away my  phone and headed back to the hospital.


Demi and Leeyah have their own story called Us. you can go check it out if you're interested.

Mmapetja Leshilo

Twitter: @LovaticLeshilo

IG: mmapetjal

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