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I woke up to the familiar voice of Jimmy Nevis blaring the living room speakers, everyone must be awake. I groaned and turned only to be greeted  by an unwelcoming gleam of light coming from the window. Oh hey Jesus. I got up from the covers only to realise that I was naked and then smiled at the memory of last night. I got an oversized t-shirt and  went downstairs to join the others.

"Hey guys," I said entering the living room. I only got a chorus of heys as a response. "Why didn't anyone wake me up?"

"We tried baby but you just groaned and went back to sleep," Rihanna said while pulling me to her lap.

"Hhhmmm I must've been really tired," I said seductively in Rihanna's ear. She managed  to smile while trying not to succumb to her sexual desire.

"Okay! Well Ri and Sadé, Leeyah and I have an idea about your wedding," Demi said as she came in with four glasses of orange juice for everyone.

"Talk, we're listening," I said moving closer to Rihanna if that was possible.

"Well..." Leeyah started "my dad owns a lodge in Franschhoek in Western Cape and you guys can hide out there and have an outdoor wedding at Plettenberg Bay how does that sound?" she said and Demi gave her a small peck on the cheek. Did I mention how cute they are together? Well, they are.

"Uhh Plettenberg Bay ey? Well it is a remotely beautiful place and it will be hard for him to find us. What do you say baby?" I said looking at Rihanna with pleading eyes.

"Uhm okay. But I've got one question, why are you helping us Leeyah?"

"Well, you guys are very important to Demi and what is important to her is important to me." she said and she gave Demi's hand a slight squeeze. Cute.

"Oh well that is sorted! What are we doing today?" I said dramatically while moving away from Rihanna's lap and sitting next to her.

"My hair needs a fix," Demi said while running her hand through her hair. Actually all of us needed hair fixing.

"Demi doesn't the trend Give Your Hair A Break ring a bell? Your Lovatics need you to give your hair a break!" I said reaching out for my glass of orange juice. I feel like a theatre kid.

"Yeah well after looking at my hair they will agree that it needs some fixing," at that point she took out her phone to take a selfie. Typical Demi. and off to Twitter it went.

"Okay then lets go!" We all headed out to the hair salon after freshening up.

*time lapse*

We walked out of the hair salon feeling sexy. Rihanna had her hair shaved on both sides and a black mullet in the middle. Leeyah's was black and dip dyed in blue. Mine was blonde with pink and lavender highlights. Demi had one side of her hair shaved and her hair brown with lavender silver ombre dip dyed, we looked pretty badass!

"Selfie!!" Demi yelled and we all just laughed!

Happiness is a fuzzy concept and can mean many different things to many people. Part of the challenge of the science of happiness is to identify different concepts of happiness, and where applicable, split them into their components.


Mmapetja Leshilo


IG: mmapetjal

HAPPY EVER AFTER...NOT REALLY (Lesbian Stories)Where stories live. Discover now