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Sadie's mother, Ndana, took Nyaki and Kaelo for ice-cream. Sadie went to fetch Demi from the airport and to drop off her dad. So it's just me and this house somewhere in Sandton. Only if I could stop vomiting for a second to actually enjoy being alone. I've been sick the whole morning and I NEED the doctor. Pronto. Let me listen to some music to get my mind off things.

Wow! I think I love this song! I love Demi's voice maybe I should get her to sing at my wedding. That would be awesome and would make the special day extra special. *Vibrate vibrate*

I was pulled from my thoughts by my phone vibrating on the table indicating a text message. I saw that it's from Sade and opened it.

From: Sadie's my bitch xx

We. are. screwed.

The fuck is that supposed to mean?! What does she mean we are screwed? Has she lost her marbles? Screwed by what? For what? Ugh I don't understand!

Cards on the table we're both showing hearts

Risking it all though it's hard

John Legend's voice was muffled by my thoughts as I was trying to decipher the message. What could it mean?...I was brought back from my thoughts by hearing the door opening and hearing Sadé yell my name.

"In here," I yelled indicating that I was in the living room.

"Oh hey baby" Sade said giving me a small peck on the lips.

"Hey, I missed you" I said sincerely.

"I missed you too," she said and kissed me. We were interrupted by  someone clearing their throat.

"Oh hey Dems," I said whilst making my way to her and giving her a hug.

"Hey Robs," she said flashing her winning smile.

"Uh Robyn we have to talk," Sadé said awkwardly sitting on the couch and we all followed her lead.

"Yeah we do! What the fuck did you mean by screwed?" I sounded more pissed than I should have but I needed answers! Sadé was about to say something but Demi interrupted her.

"No! Let me tell her. Uh Robs, Chris knows where we are and he told me to tell you that you can run but you can't hide," she was crying but I don't think she was aware. Wait. what did she just say?! Oh no.

"What! How?? I don't underst-" before I could finish my sentence, I felt bile making its way up my throat and I made a run for the bathroom.


Rihanna looked a bit pale when she made a dash for the bathroom. I flashed Demi a worried look and then went to the bathroom to help Rihanna. I found her kneeling in front of the toilet vomiting her guts out like Niagara falls.

"We need to get you to the hospital," I said concerned while rubbing her back.

"Pronto," she said giving me a weak smile.


*at the hospital*

We've been here for 20mins but it sure does feel like forever. I need something to calm me down or I am going to freak out!

"Demi sing to me?" I said sounding vulnerable.

"Sure, which song?"

"Hmmm...Figure 8 by Ellie Goulding"

Breathe your smoke into my lungs,

In the back of a car with you I stare into the sun,

Still not too old to die young,

But lovers hold on to everything,

And lovers hold on to anything

I chase your love around a figure 8,

I need you more than I can take,

You promise forever and a day,

And then you take it all away,

And then you take it all away

Place a kiss on my cheekbone,

When you vanish me, I'm buried in the snow,

But something tells me I'm not alone,

But lovers hold on to everything,

And lovers hold on to anything

I chase your love around a figure 8,

I need you more than I can take,

You promise forever and a day,

And then you take it all away,

And then you take it all away

So lovers hold on to everything,

And lovers hold on to anything,

So lovers hold on to everything,

And lovers hold on to anything

I chase your love around a figure 8,

I need you more than I can take,

You promise forever and a day,

And then you take it all away,

I chase your love around a figure 8,

I need you more than I can take,

You promise forever and a day,

And then you take it all away,

And then you take it all away

"Thank you" I said now feeling relaxed and grateful for having Demi as a friend.

"Miss Ross?" A lady who looked like a nurse called out.

"That's me," I said getting up from my chair.

"Come with me please," I gestured for Demi to come with us and we were lead to Rihanna's ward.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?"I said standing next to her bed

"I feel like shit," she said weakly then the doctor came in.

"What's up Doc?" Demi said, earning giggles from everyone

"The results from the tests have arrived."


Mmapetja Leshilo


IG: mmapetjal

HAPPY EVER AFTER...NOT REALLY (Lesbian Stories)Where stories live. Discover now