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Rihanna has been in a sour mood after meeting up with Chris today. I don't get why though because she told him to step off. If I were her I would be grinning victoriously.

"Turn left here, " I directed her. She has no idea of what is in store for her.

"But baby this is not the way to the hotel," confusion was etched in her pretty facial features.

"I know now turn right here, " when she did turn, the chapel was now in full sight.

"Sadé Roxanne Ross what did you do?" she addressed  me as though I was a five year old.

"Robyn Rihanna Fenty would you make the happiest woman alive and marry me today?" I was staring at her while she was looking at the chapel. She did not say anything but she pulled over near the church hall and turned to face me.

"Ohmigod Sadé yes of course I will marry you!" she engulfed me in a warm hug and once she had released me, it was my turn to be all happy and cheery.

"I love you so much Robyn," I cupped her face into my hands and I kissed her with intoxicating love. Her hands went behind my neck and pulled us closer. "Lets go get married Ri," I pulled her towards the changing rooms.

*time lapse*


I don't know how Sadé managed to pull this off but I'm glad she did. Nothing will make me happier than to marry the love of my life.

Demi started singing Christina Perri's A Thousand Years and I got a stirring feeling of deja vu. I am thrilled that Leeyah and Demi were able to make it for part 2 of my wedding 'cause that is what this is; Part two.

I made it to the altar, now let's see if we can make it through the service. I took a minute to observe my surroundings: my beautiful bride, those who came to witness this joyous occasion, security and the priest. Yup I will not forget this moment, unless I get amnesia.

"People we are gathered here to witness a bond made between these to young women," the  pastor began and I couldn't stop staring at the beautiful woman in front of me. If I haven't said before I'll say it now, I love Sade to the moon and back!!

"Do you Robyn Rihanna Fenty take Sadé Roxanne Ross to be your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health til death do you part?" the moment of truth has come, the moment I have been dreaming about ever since I met this angel.

"I do," at that moment I couldn't stop the tears from escaping my eyes. Sadé gently wiped them with her thumb and I couldn't help but smile.

"Do you Sadé Roxanne Ross take Robyn Rihanna Fenty as your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health til death do you part?" Sadé inhaled and exhaled heavily, I hope she was not having doubts.

"I fucking do!" the whole hall erupted in laughter.

"I now pronounce you Sadé and Robyn Fenty, you may now kiss each other," the pastor did not have to tell us twice. Soon enough Sadé and I's lips were locked and that intoxicating taste of her lips had left me dizzy and yearning more. Everyone was cheering for us and this sure enough was one of the best days of my life.

We left the church to be greeted by the media outside. How did they find out? Doesn't matter as long as I am now married to my soulmate, I'm elated.

"Where to?" I asked Sadé who was driving.

"Our honeymoon duh!"


Mmapetja Leshilo

IG: mmapetjal
Snapchat: Petjazana

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