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So, I am getting married today. I am pretty sure all of you saw it coming, I mean the way the story was panning out gave it away. Anyway, I am now at the alter waiting for my beautiful bride. My outfit looks like something Ellen DeGeneres or Janelle Monae would wear and I love it!

Demi started singing A Thousand Years by Christina Perri and that hit me right in the feels. Her voice was making the song 10000x better. Rihanna suddenly emerged from doors with her father in tow. She looked breathtaking, I couldn't stop staring.

"You look slammin'" I said into her ear when she finally reached the altar.

"Wait 'til you see how I wil-"


Wait, whaaaa Rihanna was saying something why can't I hear the rest of her sentence? Oh yeah, because she has stopped speaking and is now crying hysterically. Wait, why is everyone screaming and running out of the church like headless chickens? Hahahaha headless chickens-hilarious sight.

Oh hey floor, oh no wait I think that's the ceiling. Have I fallen?? What in the name of sweet Selena Gomez is going on here?!

"Sadé baby, hold on the ambulance will be here in a few. Please stay with me! Please!" I heard the faint sound of Rihanna's voice.

"We need to find the shooter!" Oh so that is what is going on here?

I. Got. Shot.

First thought: did that hit me? doesn't feel like it. Try to move. Holy fuck it did. Does it hurt? Well blood is gushing out. I am very confused.

I looked to my right and that's when I saw him. That bastard was making a run for it! Wait until I get my han-

Before I could finished my thought, I was engulfed in a comfortable darkness.

Is this what dying feels like?


"Excuse me Ma'am, we have to get her to hospital," one of the paramedics said.

"Will she be okay?" I was so afraid, I couldn't lose my soulmate.

"She is in critical condition," I don't know much about medicine but I knew that 'critical condition' is not a favourable state.

*time lapse*

It has been 3 hours since the shooting and I haven't heard anything from the doctors. The waiting room is eerily quiet albeit everyone is with me. Demi and Leeyah are sitting opposite my mother and I. My dad is with the police so they can try find the shooter. The silence is broken by an occasional sniffle from either one of us and I have headache of biblical proportion.

"I am going to grab us something to eat," Leeyah said after pecking Demi on the lips and getting up from her chair.

"I'm not hungry," I said nonchalantly. Food was the least of my worries.

"Baby, you have to eat for the baby's sake," Oh yeah, I was pregnant I forgot about that. I wanted to protest but thought against it.

"Whatever," I said finally after letting out a huge sigh.

Leeyah came back after 15mins with our food and coincidentally, the doctor came out too.

"Sadé Ross?" The doctor said looking at his clipboard. I stood up and walked towards him with everyone else close behind.

"How is she?" My mother squeezed my hand to comfort me.

"Well, she got shot in the shoulder twice which caused paralysis on her left arm," I started crying at the thought of my baby not being able to use her left arm. "She also got shot in the head so she suffered brain damage and may be comatose for a very long time," at this point I was crying hysterically.

Sadé's parents and Ouma walked into the hospital and we all hugged.

"How is she?" Sade's mom asked and I couldn't answer her, luckily my mom decided to do it for me.

"Her left arm is paralysed, she suffered brain damage and she is now in a coma," the waiting room that was silent not so long ago was now filled with everyone's hysterical crying.

"I'm sorry Ri," Ouma hugged me and I just sobbed in her shirt. I was now feeling very dizzy and before I knew it I had collapsed.


Mmapetja Leshilo



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