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I woke up with a painful ear! It's like my ear was having a dance party and I wasn't invited..How dare they not invite me?!! Okay I think I'm going insane. I hear singing, Rihanna must be showering I need to hear this.

Oh no, did I get too close?

Oh, did I almost see what's really on the inside?

All your insecurities

All the dirty laundry

Never made me blink one time

Unconditional, unconditionally

I will love you unconditionally

There is no fear now

Let go and just be free

I will love you unconditionally

Come just as you are to me

Don't need apologies

Know that you are worthy

I'll take your bad days with your good

Walk through the storm I would

I do it all because I love you, I love you

Unconditional, unconditionally

I will love you unconditionally

There is no fear now

Let go and just be free

I will love you unconditionally

So open up your heart and just let it begin

Open up your heart and just let it begin

Open up your heart and just let it begin

Open up your heart

Acceptance is the key to be

To be truly free

Will you do the same for me?

Unconditional, unconditionally

I will love you unconditionally

And there is no fear now

Let go and just be free

'Cause I will love you unconditionally (oh yeah)

I will love you (unconditionally)

I will love you

I will love you unconditionally

"Encore! Encore! Encore!" I said clapping,standing by the bathroom door.

"Ohmishit how and when did you get here!" she said trying to hide herself with a towel

"Okayyy how? I used my legs and tried out a mode of transportation called walking when? By the time you started the song and can I just add there is nothing you can hide that I haven't seen yet," I said with a smirk.

"Oh sorry, habit" she said dropping her towel. OHMIGOD THAT ASS WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME!

"Okay well you can continue, I'll just be attending to my ear"

"Your ear? What's wrong with it?" she said sounding concerned

"Well I have a hearing problem, my right ear is dead and has an infection so occasionally it becomes REALLY painful like today"

"Oh I'm sorry hun, do you know what to do to make it better?"

"I think a kiss from a sexy barbadian angel will make a difference"

"Who said I was an angel? Come here," she said and I complied and she kissed me with a lot passion. "Better?"

"Better," I said with a smile and I left the bathroom to make us breakfast and pack our clothes.

*time lapse*


"Geez babes calm your tits, I'm done" Rihanna said and we headed out to the airport and into her private jet


"Ek Smaak Jou Robyn Fenty" Sadé said while leaving trails of kisses along my jawline but what is she saying?! It sounded so romantic.

"I can't understand what you are saying babba"

"Oh hahaha it's Afrikaans for I'm craving you Robyn Fenty"

"Mhhm Ek Smaak Jou Sadé Ross" I kiss her for about two minutes because of lack of air.

"I love you Robyn."

"I love you too," as I say that we hear a noise coming from the end of the jet.

"What was that?!" Sadé said with panic evident in her voice and the jet shakes violently.

"Attention Ms. Fenty can you and your fiancé please take your seat and buckle up," the intercom said

"What's going on?!" Sadé said crying and trying to buckle up

"It's okay babes it's just a pothole"

"A pothole?! You must be kidding me Robyn! We are 3000ft in the air what pothole are talking about?!" she yelled.

"Listen baby, calm down," after a good 15mins the jet was back to normal.

"Attention Ms. Fenty you are free to move around the jet,we were just going through a saturated cloud."

"You see, nothing to worry about" I got out of my seat to comfort Sadé who was sobbing.

"That was scary Rihanna, I thought we going to die or I was going to lose you"

"Shhh babe it's okay, we are fine and that's what matters." we sat in each others embrace until we both fell asleep.

HAPPY EVER AFTER...NOT REALLY (Lesbian Stories)Where stories live. Discover now