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It has been two days since we received the news and Rihanna has been taking it hard. Every time morning sickness arrives, she cries. She probably thinks she can cry the pain away. I really hate seeing her in a depressive state, I know the feeling all too well and I hate that she feels like that. I should have been the one who got pregnant, she does not deserve this.

Anyways! At the moment Rihanna is watching something on Netflix, I think it's Orange Is The New Black I'm not entirely sure. My mom left with Nyaki and Kaelo to visit my Ouma and Demi is out with Leeyah. I don't understand why they aren't dating, they look cute together. All our hair colours clash, Demi with her neon blue hair, Leeyah with her electric red hair, me with my mermaid blue hair and Rihanna with her black asymmetrical hair...we look pretty  badass! My dad is somewhere performing his new album, he is pretty good at what he does. There is a song of his I like.

My daddy knows how to make good music! Be jealous! I feel like doing something fun today.

Leeyah and Demi just walked in giggling. I swear these two behave like a couple. "Oh hey guys," I say from the kitchen which is where I have been for the past hour trying to figure out what to eat. The struggle is real.

"Hey Sadie, Hey Ri," Leeyah says while walking over to the couch with Demi in tow.

"Hey guys," Rihanna said.

"Guys I am quite bored, lets go to Gold Reef City!" I said sitting next to Rihanna.

"What's that?" Both Demi and Rihanna said in unison.

"Theme park vibes legggooo!!" Leeyah said excitedly.

"That should answer your question, lets go I'm driving," I said grabbing my car keys and Rihanna's hoodie to wear.

We were having so much fun at Gold Reef City. We climbed every rollercoaster there. My favourites were Tower of Terror, Dream Boat and The Anaconda. Rihanna was having so much fun, I'm glad this was able to take her mind off things. The last ride we climbed was the Extreme X-Rider...that was AWESOME!!

"Guys which movie should we watch?" I asked the girls who were giggling among themselves.

"How about we watch Devil's Due?" Rihanna suggested which a huge grin. I am not a huge fan of horror movies but yolo.

"Yeah! Demi and Leeyah what do you say?"


"Yeah! Demi and Leeyah what do you say?" Sadé asked.

"Hahahaha yass! Legoo!" I squealed.

"Leeyah?" She looked a bit pale and horrified. Cute.

"Uhh, can we watch something less...I don't know devilish?" she begged. Aw this is so cute!

"Aww are you scared?" I cooed.

"No! I just don't like horror movies. I'm happy with animated movies thank you very much," she said defensively with her arms folded.

I walked closer to her ear and whispered into it "I'll be there with you and hold you very tight," this sent obvious chills down her spine.

"O-okay I like the sound of that," she said a bit flustered. She was so adorable.

Halfway through the movie Leeyah was scarred for life! I couldn't stop laughing,i t was rather amusing. Way better than the movie!

"Hahaha Leeyah relax! I'm right here," I said holding her tighter because she was shaking.

"I can't," she said burying her head in my neck.

"Why are you so afraid?" I was starting to be concerned.

"My cousin used to force me to watch them when we were young, he used to be horrible," she said letting a tear escape her eye.

"Where is he now?" I asked while wiping the tear off her cheek.

"Somewhere in the US," she said.

"Well this idea was a bust!" I said chuckling a bit.

"Hahaha no I love being with you. Thank you Demi."

"No prob," she looked at me then at my lips then bit her lips. She leaned in slowly and I leaned in too. Her lips tasted like strawberry, I liked that.

When the movie finished with most of our popcorn on the floor, we ordered pizza and went back to Sadé's house. After eating the pizza, we watched some South African sitcom which was HILARIOUS!

"Sadé can I talk to you please" I stood up from the couch and we walked to the bathroom upstairs.

"What is it Dems?"

"I think I love Leeyah!" Probably should have said that softer but yolo!

"Well no shit Sherlock! Have you seen how you guys look at each other?"

"Hahaha so I was thinking of treating her to a lap dance, you could do the same for Rihanna."

"Hmmm...kinky stuff! I love it!" she walked over to the intercom/sound system in her room which is very cool "Attention Ladies and err...ladies? Please make your way to your respective rooms immediately. This is not a drill, I repeat this is not a drill"

It took Leeyah  a minute to get to the bedroom. "Demi what is going on?" she asked confused.

"I just wanted to get your mind off the scary images you saw tonight. Sit down!" I pushed her gently to sit on the edge of the bed.

Ciara x Body Party

Yeah, right there
No, right there
I was having fun
I hope you're having fun too

I started swaying my hips while looking at Leeyah.

My body is your party, baby
Nobody's invited but you baby
I can do it slow now, tell me what you want
Baby put your phone down, you should turn it off
Cause tonight it's going down, tell your boys it's going down
We in the zone now, don't stop

You can't keep your hands off me, touch me right there, rock my body
I can't keep my hands off you, your body is my party
I'm doing this little dance for you
You got me so excited
Now it's just me and you
Your body's my party, let's get it started

Boy you should know that your love is always on my mind
I'm not gonna fight it, I want it all the time
Boy you should know that your love is always on my mind
And I can't deny it, I want you,I want you
I can't lie, I won't lie, it's amazing
My faces, the places, you're taking me

Baby take your time now, there's no need to rush
We can go another round, if that's what you want
Cause tonight it's going down, yeah you know it's going down
We in the zone now, don't stop

You can't keep your hands off me, touch me right there, rock my body
I can't keep my hands off you, your body is my party
I'm doing this little dance for you
You got me so excited
Now it's just me and you
Your body's my party, let's get it started

Boy you should know that your love is always on my mind
I'm not gonna fight it, I want it all the time
Boy you should know that your love is always on my mind
And I can't deny it, I want you, I want you

The things I wanna do to you
My body's calling you
I'm having so much fun with you
Now it's just me on you
Your body's my party, let's get it started, oh

I was now straddling Leeyah on the bed. I looked at her then crashed my lips onto hers. The kiss deepened quickly, Leeyah was gripping the sheets so I took her hands and held them above her head. My other hand made its way under her shirt and started playing with her boob. I was now kissing her sweet spot on her neck.

"Demiii..." she moaned. That was enough to turn me on more, if that was possible.

Mmapetja Leshilo

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