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Everybody knows but no one's saying nothing

It was a sound so very loud that no one can hear

I got something in my shoes, it's keeping me from walking

Down the long and winding road and back home to you

And 'round this town, you've ceased to be

That's what you get for sleeping with the enemy

Where angels fly, you won't play

So guess who's gonna take the blame for

My big mouth, my big name

I'll put on my shoes while I'm walking

Slowly down the hall of fame

Into my big mouth, you could fly a plane

I'll put on my shoes while I'm walking

Slowly down the hall of fame, slowly down the hall of fame


"...What?!" I don't think  I heard her properly! She can't be that stupid can she?

"I'm so sorry," she said through her sobbing.

"Save me your tears Demi and tell me what happened!" I may have said that louder than I was supposed to. At this point I had pulled over.


I had an hour to get to LAX before my flight boarded. I overslept and was extremely late! I  couldn't wait to see Sadie!

Before heading to the airport, I decided to grab some Starbucks. After receiving my  caramel frappuccino, I was less than a metre away from the exit when someone gently tapped my  shoulder. I turned around reluctantly because I was going miss my flight.

"Hi, you're Demi right?" Shit.

"Hi Chris Brown right?" What does he want from me?

"The one and only..." he smirked and I couldn't help but  feel disgusted.

"Look Chris, I have to go I've got a plane to catch...see ya" I wanted to leave ASAP! I didn't feel safe around this guy.

"Where you jetting off to?" ugh he's being  really annoying at the moment and I need to leave

"South Africa...not that it's any of your business, now if you'll excuse me."

"Wait! You're going to meet Rihanna right?" a smile was playing on his lips, so fucking annoying!

"What! No! I'm going to meet some friends!" Fuck I need to work on  my lying skills.

"Whatever! Be a good girl and pass on this message, she can run but she can't hide. We are coming for both of them!" His eyes were dark and I was a bit terrified -okay a lot terrified!

"You and what army?" My voice was shaky but I wasn't going to let him intimidate me...he should know better than to mess with a girl who has got bipolar.

"You know the answer to that. That guy you killed was one of many," I was getting pissed  now.

"No I don't that's why I asked the question you douche! Anyway siyanara punk, arrivederci!" With that I walked away and I could hear him laughing but I ignored him. I just really hope he doesn't do anything to them...or me.

------End of flashback------

Demi told me the story, more like cried it to me. It wasn't her fault, the conniving bastard tricked her into disclosing our location.

"Shhhh don't cry  Demz it wasn't your fault" I said trying to console her.

"You're, you're  not mad at me?" she said in a confused state, wiping her tears.

"No, I'm mad at Chris not you, calm down okay? I'll make a plan," I said giving her a reassuring smile.

"Wow! You really are a wonderful friend," She gave me a hug and I texted Rihanna before driving again and I'm really glad my dad was quiet the whole time, giving us space, but he must have some burning questions. Sigh

To:Ri's my bitch xx

We. are. screwed.


Reminder: I have nothing against Chris  Brown...don't take offence. 2017 me is saying bullshit! I don't like the man.

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