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"Aubrey?!!" It was like I was being choked by the air I was swallowing. My lungs felt like they were collapsing and my dad had to fan me down.

"Hi baby, haven't seen you in a while," he was smirking and his eyes had a glint of evil. His face disgusted me and fueled my anger.

"Don't you dare call me that Drake! You have no right, fuck you!" I was burning up with anger. I was pissed off! Shit, how could he do that?!

"You seem angry," He said provokingly. There is that smirk again. Ugh!

"Fuck you! I just need to know something. Why, why did you do it?" I was now sitting opposite him while he was handcuffed to the table.

"Oh Riri baby, you don't get it do you?" I shook my head and crossed my hands. I was already tired of this conversation. "How could you be so stupid, the answer is right in front of you. I love you."

When he said that, I froze. I couldn't believe it. What the fuck is wrong with him?! I left him a long ass time ago, he should just get over it. Drake was a good boyfriend but that changed when he told gossip magazines that I was clingy!

"You make me sick! I hope you rot in hell, fucking cunt!" I spat and left the room. My dad told me that Drake was awaiting trial on the charge of attempted murder.

I drove back to the hospital. Once I went into the ward, I was greeted by my 'lifeless' girlfriend. I sat on the chair next to her and gripped her hand tightly.

"Hey baby girl, I miss you," a tear escaped from my eye and I quickly wiped it. "I miss you so much, why don't you just wake up for me?"

I waited for a response but all I got was the faint sound of the EKG beeping next to her. "I met your shooter today, it was Drake! He is such a fucktard." I chuckled a bit and immediately kept quiet after realising that I was laughing alone. My heart was sore. I haven't sung in a while and I think that will make me feel better.

*Listen to Breathless by Shane Ward*

Once I was done singing the song, I felt a slight pressure on my hand. When I looked up and had wiped my tears, I saw Sadé moving a bit. She took her time opening her eyes. I offered her water which she gladly accepted.

"What am I doing here?" she said while taking in her surroundings. "Ohmigod! I know you! You are Robyn Rihanna Fenty!!"she practically fangirled oh shit.


Mmapetja Leshilo
IG: mmapetjal
Snapchat: Petjazana

NEW BOOK ALERT: It's called Us. and it's a spin off of this story. Check it out and share your ideas.

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