Chapter 4

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It was already evening, Maisie waited for her parents to get back her, she was not happy at all, she prepared dinner and all, the only thing she wanted to do was speak to them, she peeked through the window and saw them park the car, she smirked and sat back at the dining table waiting for them to finally get inside, Maisie inhaled and exhaled, she watched them as they unlocked the door, Claire got in she threw her purse at the couch, Owen threw the keys at the counter.

Claire and Owen arrived back home, Claire then spoke, "Maisie! we're here!" Claire then saw Maisie waiting for them at the table, "Oh wow."

"That was very unexpected, from her." Owen placed his coat at the hanger.

"Indeed." Claire giggled, she noticed there was something odd with Maisie, she just didn't figure out what.

"Take a seat." Maisie said in a serious voice, in one that they haven't heard since four years ago.

Owen and Claire joined her at the table.

Maisie did not speak to them until they did something, she stared straight at the wall.

Owen picked up what he wanted, Claire was still not sure what she wanted to eat.

Suddenly Maisie punched the table in anger, "Why can't we just live like a normal family!"

Claire choked on her drink, "Excuse me miss?"

"Why can't we do normal stuff, like other families do?!" Maisie asked, she was completely mad.

Claire swallowed the drink, "What do you mean by that."

Owen was silent not saying a word.

"Why can't we hang out, I never left this house ever since you brought me here!" Maisie complained.

Owen cleared his throat, "Maisie, but that is for your own good."

"My own Good? doesn't sound like, I lost my grandpa, found out I was a clone, and was nearly killed in one single night, and you expected me to be fine locked up in a trailer for months?!" Maisie shouted, "I had nightmares with that creature every single day for one year straight, and there's more, you never considered helping me deal with the trauma did you? yeah, you didn't."

"Why did you bring that up." Claire asked.

"Because it all makes sense." Maisie yelled louder, "You guys just don't care, you only took me with you, because you felt bad, I knew it, I always knew it, and you still think you're good parents."

"Maisie- What-" Claire was heartbroken and speechless,

Owen stood up and shouted, "Enough! Maisie go back to your room right now!"

Maisie groaned, she pushed the chair away and stomped her feet back to her room, she shut the door in anger, Maisie jumped at her bed and started to crying.

Claire looked at Owen, "Was that really necessary?"

"Yes." Owen replied as he washed his dishes.

"Weren't you a little too harsh?" Claire brought the dishes to the sink.

"She'll regret it, just give her some time." Owen kissed Claire's cheek, "Good Night."

"Night..." Claire watched him leave, she sighed.

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