Chapter 12

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Kayla notices they already reached Malta, she then announces to the crew, "Update, we're already here."

Claire sat up, she looked over the window, "This place is beautiful."

"Right?" Ellie agreed with her, also looking at the view.

Ian chuckled, "Not when we're being chased by a dinosaur."

"Ian, please." Ellie glared at him.

"What? It's the truth." Ian shrugged.

"This is the first time I ever left the country." Gabriel commented.

"And this is not the best occasion." Ian whispered to himself.

"Alright." Alan looked at the others, "How do we get in.

"I know how to get in, but I can't assure everyone can watch the auction." Kayla explained.

"Alright, here's the plan." Alan said gathering everyone around, "One of us steals the identity of someone that is supposed to be participating in the auction, while the others get Maisie and sabotage the auction to free the dinosaurs, also exposing BioSyn along the way."

Ian agreed, "Mhm got it." he then asked, "But who will be the spy in the auction?"

"Spy?" Claire then remembered, "I can be the spy.

"Great." Alan said, "Now Kayla lead the way."

They head towards the docks where the dinosaurs were being shipped to and being kept inside the basement, Carolyn O'Hara was standing near the entrance, Howard was instructing the guests.

"Okay, Claire you'll take that woman outfit okay?" Owen pointed at the woman standing there.

"Alright." Claire nodded, "But how-"

"I got this." Owen stood up and walked towards her sneakily.

"Oh my god, he's so hot." Kayla nearly fainted.

"And badass." Gabriel added.

"Oh please." Claire was still annoyed by Kayla.

Carolyn turned her phone off, "Alright it's about to begin, stay put."

Owen pretended to be working there.

"Hey, you!" Carolyn called him.

"Yes?" Owen replied.

"Why arent you inside yet?" Carolyn asked crossing her arms.

"Because." Suddenly he shit her with a tranquilizing gun, she fell to the ground.

Claire rushed towards him, the others followed.

"Okay, wear her clothes now." Owen said dragging her body.

"And what do we do with her body?" Gabriel asked.

"She's still alive, we just put her somewhere." Owen replied.

After some minutes, Claire showed up in Carolyn's outfit, "How do I look?"

"Like a businesswoman," Kayla replied.

"Good." Claire said she walked towards them

"Good luck." Owen kissed her lips, she grinned, "Thanks."

Claire heard to the entrance, she obviously noticed the pyroraptors in leashes, she smiled nervously.

"Name?" The guard asked.

"Carolyn." Claire read on the nametag.

"Carolyn what?" The other guard asked.

"O'Hara." Claire finished it.

"Oh, Carlyn." Howard greeted her, "Please get in."

Claire smiled, "Thank you Mr." she read on his nametag, "Uh, King."

"No problem?" Howard was confused, then he turned to the guards, "Everyones inside now."

The guards locked the door, the auction was about to begin.

Claire found a seat next to a woman, the woman looked at Claire.

"Claire?" The woman gasped.

Claire looked at the woman, "What?! No? I'm Carolyn O'Hara."

"No." The woman said, "You are Claire Dearing."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Claire replied.

The woman face-palmed, "Ugh, of course, you don't know me, I'm Audrey." Audrey then whispered, "I'm the spy."

"Oh, it's you!" Claire was surprised.

"Yes!" Audrey squealed "Can't believe you're also here!"

Claire laughed awkwardly, "Yeah me too."

Howard stood on a stage, "A minute of attention please, give it to BioSyn's CEO Lewis Dodgson!" he sat on his seat along with the crowd.

Dodgson showed up, "Good Afternoon friends, this is indeed a very special moment, I am very glad you're all here this afternoon, we waited for this moment ever since, and now may the auction begin."

The audience clapped, Claire and Audrey fake clapped.

Wyatt went to his position, "Bring em' in."

Meanwhile backstage, Owen, Alan, Ian, Kayla, and Gabriel sneaked into the garage.

"Where are they?" Ian asked, looking around.

"I don't know, follow the sounds." Alan replied.

They suddenly entered a room full of unexpected things, a decapitated triceratops head.

Ellie gasped in shock, "No." she left the room as soon as she saw it.

Owen took a closer look, "No way."

There was a sinoceratops nasal horn, skin samples, Stegosaurus' plates, and ripped off teeth.

"This is terrible." Ian commented.

"Ignore this, lets find the dinosaurs." Alan shut the door, avoiding that place.

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